Publications from 1995-1999

34. Y. Levin, When Do Like Charges Attract?, Physica A 265, 432 (1999)

33. Y. Levin, J. J. Arenzon, and J. F. Stilck, The Nature of Attraction between Like-Charged Rods, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2680 (1999)

32. M. Tamashiro, Y. Levin, M. C. Barbosa, The One-Component plasma: a conceptual approach, Physica A 268, 24 (1999)

31. P. S. Kuhn, Y. Levin, and M. C. Barbosa, Polyelectrolyte Solutions with Multivalent Salts, Physica A 266, 413 (1999)

30. P. S. Kuhn, M. C. Barbosa, and Y. Levin, Complexation of DNA with cationic surfactants, Physica A 269, 278 (1999)

29. Y. Levin, What happened to the gas-liquid transition in the system of dipolar hard spheres?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1159 (1999)

28. J. J. Arenzon, J. F. Stilck, and Y. Levin, Simple Model for Attraction between Like-Charged
, European Physical Journal B, 12, 79 (1999)

27. P. S. Kuhn, Y. Levin, and M.C. Barbosa Charge inversion in DNA-amphiphile complexes: possible application to gene therapy, Physica A 274, 8 (1999)

26. A. Diehl, M. Tamashiro, M. C. Barbosa, and Y. Levin, Density-functional theory for attraction between like-charged plates, Physica A 274, 433 (1999)

25. Y. Levin, M.C. Barbosa, M.N. Tamashiro, Liquid State Theory of Charged Colloids, Europhys. Lett. 41, 123 (1998)

24. M.N. Tamashiro, Y. Levin, M.C. Barbosa, Donnan Equilibrium and the Osmotic Pressure of Charged Colloidal Lattices, Eur. Phys. J. B 1, 337 (1998)

23. Y. Levin, Kosterlitz-Thouless and Manning Condensation, Physica A 257, 408 (1998)

22. M. N. Tamashiro, Y. Levin, M.C. Barbosa, Debye-Hückel-Bjerrum Theory of Charged Colloids, Physica A 258, 341 (1998)

21. P. Kuhn, Y. Levin, M.C. Barbosa, Rod-like Polyelectrolytes in Presence of Monovalent Salt, Macromolecules, 31, 8347 (1998)

20. P. S. Khun, Y. Levin, and M. C. Barbosa, Complex Formation Between Polyelectrolytes and
Ionic Surfactants
, Chemical Physics Letters, 298, 51, (1998)

19. Y. Levin, M. C. Barbosa, Thermodynamic Theory of Counterion Association in Rigid Polyelectrolytes, J. Phys. II (France) 7, 37 (1997)

18. A. Diehl, M.C. Barbosa, Y. Levin, Sine-Gordon Mean-Field Theory of Coulomb Gas, Phys. Rev. E 56, 619 (1997)

17. P. Kuhn, A. Diehl, Y. Levin, M.C. Barbosa, Melting of A Colloidal Crystal, Physica A 247, 235 (1997)

16. A. Diehl, M.C. Barbosa, Y. Levin, Neutral Polyampholyte in an Ionic Solution, Phys. Rev. E 54, 6516 (1996)

15. Y. Levin and M.E. Fisher, Criticality in the Hard Sphere Ionic Fluid, Physica A 225, 164 (1996)

14. Y. Levin, Theory of Counterion Association in Rodlike Polyelectrolytes, Europhys. Lett. 34, 405 (1996)

13. M.C. Barbosa, Y. Levin, Phase Transitions of a Neutral Polyampholyte, Physica A 231, 467 (1996)

12. M.E. Fisher, X.J. Li, Y. Levin, Absence of Intermediate Phases in 2d Coulomb Gas, J. Stat. Phys. 79, 1 (1995)

11. Y. Levin and M.C. Barbosa, Conformational Phase Transition of a Polyampholyte in a Low Dieletric Solvent, Europhys. Lett. 31, 513 (1995)