Grupo de Fenomenologia de Partículas de Altas Energias


The High Energy Physics Phenomenology Group (GFPAE) at the Instituto de Física of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) ( IF – UFRGS )starts at 1994. The GFPAE works in research lines related to several theoretical projects in Particle Phenomenology, which are dedicate to solve recent problems in High Energy Physics such as Large Hadron Collider ( LHC – CERN) experiments, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ( RHIC ) and Auger Project.

The GFPAE have been interest in the following research lines:
High Density QCD
Evolution equations
Saturation regime
Higgs production
Diffractive processes
Production of heavy quarks

Logo do GFPAE
last update: 14 - 05 -2018,
Suggestion:     Gustavo Copé