The Muse Urania

Biblioteca Municipal Martinico Prado
Araras, State of São Paulo


Networks and the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations  (extended version)
(with A Bazzan and R Gramsch)


Networks and the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations (short version)
Springer Verlag
(with A Bazzan and R Gramsch)

Die Mathematik der Epen. Die Netzwerke der Helden und Täter
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 4 2015 (in German, non technical)


Gendered Networks and Communicability in Medieval Historical Narratives
Advances in Complex Systems 23/02 (2020), 2050006.
(with A Bazzan, SD Prado, M MacCarron. J Hillner)

4. Network Analysis of Epic Literature
In 'The Epic World', Routlegde (2023), in press.
(with P MacCarron, M MacCarron, J Yose and R Kenna)

5. An entropy-based, scale-independent centrality.
ArXiv 2108.09248
(with LR Schwengber and SD Prado)