Semana IX








Introdução a Física Moderna 

Radiação de Corpo Negro.

Max Planck (1958-1947) solved the dilemma of describing accurately the frequency distribution of radiation from a black body, a probelm that had been approached from both the high IWien) and low (Rayleigh) frequency ends, but with no apparent smooth overlap. Planck postulated that electromagnetic energy was not infinitely divisible, but existed in particles, or quanta, proportional to the frequency of the radiation.
Planck                    Corpo Negro              Constante de Planck

The Planck constant h, in the expoent of the black body spectral distribution equation tamed the ultraviolet catastrophy to produce distribution curves such as shown in the Fraunhofer stamp of radiation from the sun. Planck received the 1918 Nobel prize in physics, and Einstein and Bohr applied quantum theory to the photoeletric effect and atomic structure, explaining away some bafling paradoxes of classical physics. The German stamp shows a black body emitting a quantized amount of energy, while the spectrum of this radiation appears continuous to the eye. Planck's constant also commemorates the anniversary of his death in 1947.




Corpo Negro (em português)

Corpo Negro (Simulação!!!)

Radiação Térmica

Estrelas emitem como Corpo Negro!

Curva de Planck

Corpo Negro (fortemente recomendável)
Corpo Negro (recomendável)


Max Planck

      He would remember, even in his old age, the sight of Prussian and Austrian troops marching into his native town
     when he was six years old. Throughout his life, war would cause him deep personal sorrow. He lost his eldest son
     during World War I. In World War II, his house in Berlin was burned down in an air raid. In 1945 his other son was
     executed when declared guilty of complicity in a plot to kill Hitler. 








