Second IUPAP International Conference in Women in Physics

Dear Colleagues

At the 1999 IUPAP General Assembly, the concern was raised that women are greatly under-represented in the field of physics in most countries.  Because of this imbalance, many bright young people do not receive the opportunity to learn about physics and to prepare themselves for a physics career, and others are discouraged from doing so.  Recognizing that all fields of science progress most rapidly when they draw from the complete available pool of talented people, the participants of the General Assembly passed a resolution to form a Working Group on Women in Physics. This Working Group has the following charge:

"To work with physicists in IUPAP member countries to gather information about women in physics. To analyze and report the data, identify barriers to entry into the field, and difficulties in maintaining and advancing careers for women in physics, and to recommend ways to improve the situation. To suggest ways that IUPAP can ensure that women are fully involved in IUPAP-sponsored conferences, and to propose ways that they can become more active participants in IUPAP itself, including the Liaison Committees, the Commissions, the Council, and the General Assemblies.  To report all findings at the General Assembly in 2002."

The Working Group planned a three day International Conference on Women in Physics that was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on March 7 to 9, 2002. The results of this conference were presented at the IUPAP General Assembly in October 2002.

The IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics brought together more than 300 participants, about 15 percent of them men, from 65 countries to review data, discuss barriers, share success stories, propose ways to improve participation globally, develop resolutions for action by the IUPAP General Assembly, and help teams develop appropriate strategies to improve the status of women in physics in their home countries.  Each team developed a brief report on the situation for women in physics in their country. Their findings were presented through posters that can be found at .

Three years have passed since the event. It is now time to go ahead by looking to the future of women in physics, to strengh the network of women not only on the gender issue but also in our own research. For this purpose, we are organizing the Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics. The event will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 23-25 May 2005.

Besides discussing gender issues, this event will also have sessions about the research of the participants. We hope this will estimulate collaborations.
At the last day, we plan a plenary talk of a outstanding researcher about her work. This presentation will be  opened
to the scientific community in Rio de Janeiro.

For informations look at the website

Sincerely yous

Elisa Baggio Saitovitch     and     Marcia C. Barbosa