INVESTIGATIONS IN SCIENCE EDUCATION is a journal exclusively devoted to research in science education (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Natural Sciences when they are approached in an integrated way). The only kinds of papers accepted for publication are: 1) research in science education, properly said; 2)review of the literature regarding a certain area of research in science education; 3) theoretical perspectives with clear implications for research in science education; 4) research methodology in education directly relevant for research in science education; 5) comments and criticisms (and replies) on papers published in the journal.

All manuscripts are blindly reviewed by at least two referees. Papers of any theoretical and methodological orientation, focusing on any aspect of the teaching and learning of science are accepted for review, with the understanding that they have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the original language without translations.

Initially, Investigations in Science Education will be published twice a year. It is sponsored by the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil and distributed primarily electronically through the WWW; copies on diskette are available upon request. Unless otherwise indicated, any article published in this journal may be reproduced for personal and instructional purposes.

Manuscripts may be submitted to the editor in three printed copies. The author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s) and the abstract in the original language should appear only in the cover page; in the remaining pages, all references that may indentify the author(s) must be omitted (they may be included in the final accepted version of the paper). Manuscripts which do not follow these instructions will be returned to the author(s). Address for manuscripts submission: M. A. Moreira; Instituto de Física, UFRGS; Caixa Postal 15051, Campus do Vale; 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

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