IF-UFRGS, Artigos Publicados, 1980-1989

1.   I. Aveline and J. R. Iglesiassicardi.
Valence transition in sms - a theoretical calculation.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 15-8:961–962, 1980.

2.   I. J. R. Baumvol, M. Behar, J. A. H. D. Jornada, R. P. Livi, K. W. Lodge, A. Lopezgarcia, and F. C. Zawislak.
Electric-field gradients and impurity distributions in doped noble-metals - a systematic study.
Physical Review B, 22:5115–5127, 1980.

3.   J. J. Claria and S. O. Kepler.
Wideband and narrow-band photometry of stars in a field around collinder 135.
Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific, 92:501–513, 1980.

4.   H. A. Dottori.
Lyman continuum photons emission from hot stars.
Astrophysics And Space Science, 73:175–177, 1980.

5.   H. A. Dottori.
Continuum and reddening of the peculiar nucleus of ngc-5236.
Astrophysics And Space Science, 67:417–426, 1980.

6.   H. A. Dottori and C. M. Bevilaqua.
Differential ubv photometry in the central regions of spiral galaxies.
Astrophysics And Space Science, 73:327–331, 1980.

7.   B. D. Dunlap, Patsy James Viccaro, and G. K. Shenoy.
Structural relationships in rare earth-transition metal hydrides.
Journal of Less-Common Metals, 74(1):75–79, Oct. 1980.

8.   I. Fidone, G. Granata, R. L. Meyer, E. H. da Jornada, R. S. Schneider, and L. F. Ziebell.
Electron cyclotron emission from tokamak plasmas with mildly superthermal electrons.
Physics of Fluids, 23(7):1336–1347, July 1980.

9.   R. E. Francke, J. A. C. Gallas, H. P. Grieneisen, J. Schifino, and B. P. Chakraborty.
Einstein-a coefficients, oscillator-strengths and lifetimes for some selected triplet-triplet transitions of n2 - comparison between theory and experiment.
Journal Of Chemical Physics, 72:1476–1481, 1980.

10.   E. Frank and M. C. Varriale.
Kinetics of the rehydration of fe(nh4)2(so4)2.4h2o.
Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids, 41:393–396, 1980.

11.   H. O. Girotti.
Saturation of the massive schwinger model.
Physics Letters B, 90:103–105, 1980.

12.   H. O. Girotti and H. J. Rothe.
Comments about theta-vacua and topology of the su2 yang-mills theory.
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-Nuclei Particles And Fields, 60:171–184, 1980.

13.   H. O. Girotti and T. J. M. Simoes.
Uniqueness of the functional-approach.
Physical Review D, 22:1385–1389, 1980.

14.   J. Goedert and J. P. Mondt.
Local stability of anisotropy-driven modes in diffuse high-beta plasmas.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 23:501–513, 1980.

15.   Ennio Sallaberry Gon¸  calves and M. A. Moreira.
Laboratório estruturado versus não estruturado: um estudo comparativo em um curso convencional.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 10(2):389–402, ago. 1980.

16.   M. A. Gusmao.
Critical exponents of a heisenberg-ferromagnet in the reaction field approximation.
Journal Of Physics C-Solid State Physics, 13:L995–L997, 1980.

17.   M. V. Gusmao and C. Scherer.
Reaction field approximation for the longitudinal susceptibility of csnif3.
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, 100:K63–K65, 1980.

18.   V. E. Herscovitz and M. H. Steffani.
Desvios da aproximação eikonal para espalhamento núcleon-núcleon a energias intermediárias.
Revista Brasileira de Física, vol. especial:41–46, 1980.

19.   J. R. Iglesiassicardi and I. Aveline.
A 2-band model for intermediate valence compounds.
Solid State Communications, 36:19–24, 1980.

20.   J. V. Kunzler, T. A. Grandi, W. H. Schreiner, P. Pureur, and D. E. Brandão.
Spin-disorder resistivity in the Cu2Mn(Al1-x Snx) Heusler alloys.
The Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 41(10):1023–1026, 1980.

21.   Th. A. J. Maris.
Quasi-free scattering.
Revista Brasileira de Física, vol. especial:1–23, 1980.

22.   T. A. J. Maris, M. R. Teodoro, and E. A. Veit.
Effective polarization in quasi-free scattering.
Physics Letters B, 94:6–8, 1980.

23.   M. A. Moreira.
A now-tradicional approach to the evaluation of laboratory instruction in general physics courses.
European Journal on Science Education, 2(4):441–448, Oct./Dec. 1980.

24.   Marco Antonio Moreira and Carlos Alberto dos Santos.
Organizatión de contenidos de fisica general basada en la teoria del aprendizage de David Ausubel.
Revista del Professor de Fisica, 1(3):10–37, 1980.

25.   Edward L. Robinson and S. O. Kepler.
The ZZ ceti stars and the rate of evolution of white dwarfs.
Space Science Reviews, 27:613–620, 1980.

26.   R. N. Saxena, L. C. Jahnel, and F. C. Zawislak.
Gamma-gamma directional correlations for transitions in kr-84.
Physical Review C, 21:1531–1537, 1980.

27.   J. Schaf, A. F. Pasquevich, W. H. Schreiner, C. C. M. Campbell, E. R. Fraga, and F. C. Zawislak.
Magnetic hyperfine fields on cd-111 in the pd1+xmnsb heusler alloys.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 21:24–32, 1980.

28.   W. H. Schreiner, P. Pureur, and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the Cu2NiSn Heusler alloy.
Physica Status Solidi A, 58(2):K137–K139, Apr. 1980.

29.   W. H. Schreiner, P. Pureur, and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the Pd-based Heusler alloys.
Physica Status Solidi A, 60(2):K123–K126, Aug. 1980.

30.   F. M. Strauss.
Accuracy of the maximum-entropy method.
Astronomy And Astrophysics, 81:344–346, 1980.

31.   Th. A. J. Maris.
Espalhamento quase-livre próton-núcleon com prótons incidentes polarizados.
Revista Brasileira de Física, vol. especial:25–39, 1980.

32.   C. A. Z. Vasconcellos.
Quasi-free scattering and the cluster model.
Revista Brasileira de Física, vol. especial:47–63, 1980.

33.   Patsy James Viccaro, G. K. Shenoy, D. Niarchos, and B. D. Dunlap.
166Er Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction study of ErMn2 hydrides.
Journal of Less-Common Metals, 73(2):265–271, Sept. 1980.

34.   C. Alonso Arias, M. Behar, A. Filevich, G. Garcia Bermudez, E. Savino, R. P. Livi, and F. C. Zawislak.
Detrapping of vacancies at 111In in quenched silver.
Physical Review B, 24(6):3162–3165, Sept. 1981.

35.   Alfredo Aveline.
Segurança nuclear.
Ciência e Cultura, 33, supl.:37–57, 1981.

36.   A. Aveline and I. R. Bonilla.
Spectrally selective surfaces of cuprous oxide (Cu2O).
Solar Energy Materials, 5:211–220, 1981.

37.   A. Aveline and J. R. Iglesias-Sicardi.
Electrical resistivity of Sm monochalcogenides.
Solid State Communications, 37(9):749–751, Mar. 1981.

38.   M. N. Baibich, W. B. Muir, and D. R. van Wyck.
Electrical resistance and crystallization characteristics of Fe80B20.
Journal of Applied Physics, 52(3):1886–1888, Mar. 1981.

39.   I. J. R. Baumvol.
Radiative-enhanced diffusion as a coating method for protection against corrosion and wear.
Physica Status Solidi A, 67(1):287–298, Sept. 1981.

40.   I. J. R. Baumvol.
The influence of tin implantation on the oxidation or iron.
Journal of Applied Physics, 52(7):4583–4588, July 1981.

41.   I. J. R. Baumvol, G. Longworth, L. W. Becker, and R. E. J. Watkins.
Tribological studies of iron implanted with tin using Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Hyperfine Interactions, 10(1-4):1123–1128, June 1981.

42.   J. J. Clariá and L. A. Escosteguy.
Narrow-band photometry of bright Be stars.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 93(555):636–640, Oct./Nov. 1981.

43.   R. W. Cochrane, J. Destry, J. L. Brebner, M. N. Baibich, and W. B. Muir.
Thermopower measurements in some binary metallic alloys.
Physica, 107B(1/3):131–132, Aug./Sept. 1981.

44.   M. H. P. Corrêa, A. Vasquez, M. I. da Costa Junior, P. J. Viccaro, and C. E. T. Gonçalves da Silva.
57Fe Mössbauer investigation of the ternary hydride Pd3FeHx.
Solid State Communications, 40(3):211–213, Oct. 1981.

45.   M. E. V. Costa and H. O. Girotti.
Quantization of gauge-invariant theories through the Dirac-bracket formalism.
Physical Review D, 24(12):3323–3325, Dec. 1981.

46.   J. B. M. Cunha and A. Vasquez.
Hyperfine interactions in the ErFe3H2.7 hydride.
Hyperfine Interactions, 9(1-4):547–552, Apr./May 1981.

47.   M. Dillig, V. E. Herscovitz, and M. R. Teodoro.
Mean-field approach to Λ and Σ hypernuclei.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 7(3):L39–L45, Mar. 1981.

48.   H. A. Dottori.
The equivalent width of the Hβ emission line and the evolution of the HII regions.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 80(2):267–280, Dec. 1981.

49.   H. A. Dottori and E. L. D. Bica.
Measurements of the equivalent width of the Hβ emission line and age determination of HII regions of the LMC and SMC.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 102(2):245–249, Oct. 1981.

50.   F. Fernandez, Th. A. J. Maris, C. Schneider, and C. A. Z. Vasconcellos.
Investigation of nuclear structure by quasi-free scattering with polarized protons.
Physics Letters, 106B(1/2):15–18, Oct. 1981.

51.   E. Frank, J. I. Kunrath, and C. S. Muller.
Effect of the experimental conditions on the thermal-decomposition of k4fe(cn)6.3h2o.
Anales De Quimica Serie A-Quimica Fisica Y Quimica Tecnica, 77:307–310, 1981.

52.   H. P. Freund, P. Sprangle, D. Dillenburg, E. H. da Jornada, B. Liberman, and R. S. Schneider.
Coherent and incoherent radiation from free electron lasers with an axial guide field.
Physical Review A, 24(4):1965–1979, Oct. 1981.

53.   J. A. C. Gallas and B. P. Chakraborty.
Vibrational transition-probabilities with an asymptotic-expansion for the morse oscillator.
Journal Of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii, 77:67–70, 1981.

54.   M. R. Gallas, S. G. Fries, J. A. H. da Jornada, R. P. Livi, E. R. Fraga, and A. Maciel.
Nuclear quadrupole interactions studies of high pressure phase transitions in InSb.
Hyperfine Interactions, 10(1-4):979–982, June 1981.

55.   H. O. Girotti and K. D. Rothe.
Some remarks on the implementations of gauge conditions.
Lettere al Nuovo CImento, 31(16):545–548, Ago. 1981.

56.   P. D. Goode and I. J. R. Baumvol.
The influence of ion implantation parameters on the surface modification of steels.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 189(1):161–168, Oct. 1981.

57.   H. P. Grieneisen, K. Hohla, and K. L. Kompa.
Formation of Xe2 by collision pair absorption at 158 nm.
Optics Communications, 37(2):97–99, Apr. 1981.

58.   H. P. Grieneisen, Hu Xue-Jing, and K. L. Kompa.
Collision complex excitation in chlorine-doped xenon.
Chemical Physics Letters, 82(3):421–426, Sept. 1981.

59.   E. H. da Jornada, J. D. Gaffey Jr., and M. Z. Caponi.
Electrostatic instabilities and anomalous transport excited by an energetic ion beam.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 26(2):193–216, Oct. 1981.

60.   J. I. Kunrath, C. S. Müller, and A. Vasquez.
Hyperfine field determination for wolframite (Fe, Mn) WO4.
Hyperfine Interactions, 10(1-4):1013–1016, June 1981.

61.   N. P. Montenegro and J. R. Iglesiassicardi.
A new approach for the rfk model.
Physica B & C, 108:1357–1358, 1981.

62.   Marco A. Moreira and Carlos A. Santos.
The influence of content organization on student’s cognitive structure in thermodynamics.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 18(6):525–531, Nov. 1981.

63.   D. Niarchos, P. J. Viccaro, K. G. Shenoy, B. D. Dunlap, and A. T. Aldred.
Mössbauer studies of ScFe2, LaNi4Fe and their hydrides.
Hyperfine Interactions, 9(1-4):563–570, Apr./May 1981.

64.   F. Ogiba, W. H. Schreiner, J. V. Kunzler, and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the Ni2MnSn Heusler alloy.
Physics Status Solidi A, 66(1):K83–K86, July 1981.

65.   C. A. Olano, W. G. L. Pöppel, and E. R. Vieira.
A southern atlas of galactic hydrogen. III. The regions 320 L 345, 18 b 26 and 346L 350, 18b 20.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 46(1):41–47, Oct. 1981.

66.   M. G. Pastoriza and H. A. Dottori.
Study of the nuclei of NGC 3732 and IC 4662.
The Astrophysical Journal, 244(1):27–32, Feb. 1981.

67.   L. O. Q. Peduzzi and M. A. Moreira.
Solução de problemas em física: um estudo sobre o efeito de uma estratégia.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 11(4):1067–1083, dez. 1981.

68.   L. O. Q. Peduzzi and M. A. Moreira.
Solução de problemas em física: um estudo sobre a influência da estrutura cognitiva.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 11(4):1085–1102, dez. 1981.

69.   V. H. Santos and C. Scherer.
A new approximation for the dynamics of the transverse ising-model.
Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter, 40:95–97, 1981.

70.   G. K. Shenoy, B. D. Dunlap, P. J. Viccaro, and D. Niarchos.
Hydrogen absorption mechanism and location in intermetallic compounds.
Hyperfine Interactions, 9(1-4):531–546, Apr./May 1981.

71.   G. K. Shenoy, F. Pröbst, J. D. Cashion, P. J. Viccaro, D. Niarchos, B. D. Dunlap, and J. P. Remeika.
166Er and 119Sn Mössbauer studies of the re-entrant ternary superconductor ErRh1.1Sn3.6.
Solid State Communications, 37(1):53–55, Jan. 1981.

72.   R. da Silva, R. N. Saxena, J. Schaf, F. P. Livi, and F. C. Zawislak.
Magnetic hyperfine field on Ta in the Co2HfAl and Co2HfGa Heusler alloys.
Hyperfine Interactions, 9(1-4):489–494, Apr./May 1981.

73.   F. L. da Silveira.
Relação entre os índices de discriminação de itens em testes psicométricos e duas outras estatísticas: variância do escore total e coeficiente de fidedignidade.
Ciência e Cultura, 33(2):246–248, fev. 1981.

74.   F. L. da Silveira.
Fidedignidade das medidas e diferenças entre grupo em psicologia e educação.
Ciência e Cultura, 33(5):704–707, maio 1981.

75.   J. P. de Souza and E. Charry.
Threshold shifting of NMOS transistors by arsenic ion implantation prior to gate oxidation.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, ED-28(10):1176–1178, Oct. 1981.

76.   C. M. S. G. de Souza and M. A. Moreira.
Pseudo-organizadores prévios como elementos facilitadores da aprendizagem em física.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 11(1):303–315, abr. 1981.

77.   F. M. Strauss and J. R. Ducati.
Standard stars for Hα photometry.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 44(3):337–343, June 1981.

78.   J. D. Gaffey Jr. C. S. Wu and B. Liberman.
Statistical acceleration of electrons by lower-hybrid turbulence.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 25(3):391–401, June 1981.

79.   F. C. Zawislak, H. Bernas, L. Mendoza-Zelis, A. Traverse, J. Chaumont, and L. Dumoulin.
Search for superconductivity in ion-implanted Pb-Ge films.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 182/183:969–973, Apr./May 1981.

80.   L. Amaral, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
A model for the electronic structure of (T1-xT’x)Fe2 intermetallic compounds: an application to (Zr1-xHfx)Fe2.
Journal of Physics F, 12(10):2213–2227, Oct. 1982.

81.   L. Amaral, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
Mössbauer study of pseudobinary (Zr1-xHfx)Fe2 compounds.
Journal of Physics F, 12(9):2091–2096, Sept. 1982.

82.   R. Axt, V. H. Guimarães, and F. P. Livi.
O ensino de laboratório e a questão do equipamento: aquisição de pacotes ou desenvolvimento local?
Ciência e Cultura, 34(12):1614–1617, dez. 1982.

83.   M. N. Baibich, W. B. Muir, Z. Altounian, and Tu. Guo-Hua.
Thermopower and resistivity in amorphous Mg1-xZnx alloys.
Physical Review B, 26(6):2963–2966, Sept. 1982.

84.   B. A. S. de Barros Jr., C. A. dos Santos, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Search for intermetallic phases in radiation-enhanced diffusion of Ti into steels.
Physica Status Solidi A, 73(1):K137–K140, Sept. 1982.

85.   I. R. Bonilla.
Raman spectra of fosterite.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 28(6):527–529, Dec. 1982.

86.   B. P. Chakraborty.
Morse matrix-elements - an asymptotic-expansion treatment.
International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry, 22:73–88, 1982.

87.   Regina Calderipe Costa and M. A. Moreira.
Estrutura do conteúdo e estrutura cognitiva: um estudo comparativo em um curso de física.
Ciência e Cultura, 34(12):41–47, jan. 1982.

88.   J. B. M. da Cunha, P. J. Viccaro, and A. Vasquez.
57Fe Mössbauer study in the ternary hybrides of ErFe3.
Hyperfine Interactions, 12(2):119–126, July 1982.

89.   M. Dillig, V. E. Herscovitz, and M. R. Teodoro.
Largura de estados Σ-hipernucleares.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. esp.:87–94, maio 1982.

90.   M. Dillig, V. E. Herscovitz, and M. R. Teodoro.
Nonlocality of the isobar propagation an the effective Σ-nucleus spin-orbit interaction.
Physical Review C, 26(6):2670–2673, Dec. 1982.

91.   A. Fert, P. Pureur, F. Hippert, K. Baberschke, and F. Bruss.
Anisotropic rare-earth spin-glasses.
Physical Review B, 26(9):5300–5303, Nov. 1982.

92.   E. F. D. Fraga, J. Schifino, and B. P. Chakraborty.
Self-diffusion of sodium-chloride, cobalt(ii) chloride, and silver-nitrate in agar-gel by a radiotracer technique.
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 112:43–45, 1982.

93.   H. P. Freund, D. Dillenburg, and C. S. Wu.
Wave excitation by inhomogeneous suprathermal electron beams.
J. Plasma Phys., 27:69–81, 1982.

94.   H. P. Freund, P. Sprangle, D. Dillenburg, E. H. da Jornada, R. S. Schneider, and B. Liberman.
Collective effects on the operation of free-electron lasers with an axial guide field.
Physical Review A, 26(4):2004–2015, Oct. 1982.

95.   H. P. Freund, P. Sprangle, D. Dillenburg, E. H. da Jornada, B. Liberman, and R. S. Schneider.
The effect of an axial guide field on free electron lasers.
Phys. of Quantum Electronics, 9:759–793, 1982.

96.   S. G. Fries, J. A. H. da Jornada, and A. Maciel.
Experimental study of the electric field gradient in In5Bi3.
Physica Status Solidi A, 74(2):661–666, Dec. 1982.

97.   H. O. Girotti and H. J.. Rothe.
Hamiltonian formulation of QED in the superaxial gauge.
Physics Letters, 115B(3):257–260, Sept. 1982.

98.   H. O. Girotti and K. D. Rothe.
Quantization of non-abelian gauge theories in the Dirac-bracket formalism.
Il Nuovo Cimento, 72A(3):265–277, dic. 1982.

99.   H. P. Grieneisen and R. E. Francke.
A 340-nm emission system in i-2 induced by a 2-photon excitation process.
Chemical Physics Letters, 88:585–588, 1982.

100.   V. E. Herscovitz and M. R. Teodoro.
The structure of the Σ-hypernuclei.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, B32(3):330–334, 1982.

101.   J. R. Iglesias.
Ciência, pesquisa e publicação.
Ciência e Cultura, 34(12):882–887, jul. 1982.

102.   Le Dang Khoi, P. Veillet, J. Schaf, and I. A. Campbell.
The ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition in the Heusler alloy series Pd2MnSnxIn1-x.
Journal of Physics F, 12(9):2055–2063, Sept. 1982.

103.   Gastão Inácio Krein.
A função P(θ) para espalhamentos livre e no núcleo.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. esp.:108–112, maio 1982.

104.   S. H. B. Livi and T. S. Bergmann.
Rapid optical variation of the semiregular variable-r crt.
Astronomical Journal, 87:1783–1790, 1982.

105.   J. A. Martinez, F. H. Sanchez, and A. Vasquez.
On the perturbed angular correlation attenuation factor for relaxing systems.
Hyperfine Interactions, 12(4):279–287, Nov. 1982.

106.   M. A. Moreira.
Organizadores prévios como estratégia para facilitar a aprendizagem significativa.
Caderno de Pesquisa, 40:41–53, fev. 1982.

107.   Antonio Maria Freire de Passos and M. A. Moreira.
Avaliação do ensino de laboratório: uma proposta alternativa.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 12(2):375–386, jun. 1982.

108.   Sonia Silveira Peduzzi and M. A. Moreira.
Influência da organização do conteúdo sobre a aprendizagem cognitiva do aluno: um estudo comparativo.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 12(2):387–404, jun. 1982.

109.   M. G. Pastoriza, T. S. Bergmann, and S. H. B. Livi.
The photometry of G and K stars.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 94(558):347–349, Apr./May 1982.

110.   I. C. A. Pombo, E. Klamt, J. I. Kunrath, and D. Gianluppi.
Comissão II - química e mineralogia do solo.
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 6:13–17, 1982.

111.   P. Pureur, J. V. Kunzler, W. H. Schreiner, and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the cobalt-rich Co-Fe alloys.
Physica Status Solidi A, 70(1):11–15, Mar. 1982.

112.   C. A. dos Santos, B. A. S. de Barros Junior, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Iron nitride and carbonitride phases in a nitrogen implanted carbon steel.
Applied Physics Letters, 41(3):237–239, Aug. 1982.

113.   W. H. Schreiner and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the Clb alloy CuMnSb.
Solid State Communications, 43(6):463–465, Aug. 1982.

114.   W. H. Schreiner, D. E. Brandão, F. Ogiba, and J. V. Kunzler.
Electrical resistivity of Heusler alloys.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 43(8):777–780, Aug. 1982.

115.   F. L. da Silveira.
Medida da atitude em relação à solução de problemas.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 12(2):553–560, set. 1982.

116.   M. H. Steffani.
Tempo de vida de estados de buraco nucleares no modelo relativístico de Walecka.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. esp.:101–107, maio 1982.

117.   Gilberto L. Thomas and Maria R. Teodoro.
Uma estimativa relativística das energias de partícula-única do hipernúcleo 16Σ0.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. esp.:113–134, maio 1982.

118.   C. A. Z. Vasconceloos.
Quasi-free scattering and nuclear structure.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. esp.:95–100, maio 1982.

119.   W. E. Wallace, M. Merches, K. G. Shenoy, and P. J. Viccaro.
Magnetism and 166Er Mössbauer spectroscopy of Er2-xPrxCo17.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 43(1):55–58, 1982.

120.   H. K. Wong, C. S. Wu, F. J. Ke, R. S. Schneider, and L. F. Ziebell.
Electromagnetic cyclotron-loss-cone instability associated with weakly relativistic electrons.
J. Plasma Phys., 28(3):503–525, Dec. 1982.

121.   L. F. Ziebell and D. Dillenburg.
Amplificação de radiação de cíclotron eletrônica em plasmas não-homogêneos e não-maxwellianos.
Revista Brasileira de Física, v. exp. 1:3–9, 1982.

122.   L. Amaral, M. Behar, A. Maciel, L. S. de Oliveira, and W. H. Schreiner.
Structural charges in the switching InSe compound studied by the TDPAC technique.
Journal of Physics C, 16C(29):L1039–L1042, Oct. 1983.

123.   L. Amaral, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
Remarks on alloying-induced lattice parameter changes in intermetallic compounds.
Physica Status Solidi A, 80(2):669–677, Dec. 1983.

124.   E. V. Anda and R. Iglesias.
Pesquisa científica e desenvolvimento econômico na América Latina.
Ciência e Cultura, 35(9):1233–1242, set. 1983.

125.   M. N. Baibich, W. B. Muir, Z. Altounian, and Tu. Guo-Hua.
Thermopower and resistivity in amorphous Cu1-xZrx alloys.
Physical Review B, 27(2):619–623, Jan. 1983.

126.   Balachandran S., E. L. Robinson, and S. O. Kepler.
Adefinitive ephemeris for the 71-second escillations of DQ Herculis.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 95(571):653–655, Sept. 1983.

127.   M. Behar, A. M. J. Ferrero, A. Filevich, and A. O. Macchiavelli.
On the assignment of high-spin cascades to 98Rh and 98Pd isotopes.
Zeitschrift für Physik A, 314(1):111–116, Nov. 1983.

128.   M. Behar, L. G. Brunnet, J. A. H. da Jornada, R. P. Livi, and F. C. Zawislak.
Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient in AgIn2 intermetallic compound.
Hyperfine Interactions, 15(1/4):261–264, Dec. 1983.

129.   T. S. Bergmann.
Linhas de pesquisa desenvolvidas pelo departamento de astronomia do Instituto de Física da UFRGS.
Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira, 6(3):24–25, jul./set. 1983.

130.   E. L. D. Bica and M. G. Pastoriza.
DDO integrated photometry of globular clusters and initial chemical evolution of the galaxy.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 91(1):99–123, Mar. 1983.

131.   L. G. Brunnet, M. Behar, R. Iglesias, J. A. H. da Jornada, R. P. Livi, and H. Saitovich.
Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient in AgIn2 intermettalic compound.
Physics Letters, 97A(7):294–296, Sept. 1983.

132.   Bernardo Buchweitz and Fernando Lang da Silveira.
Comparação de desempenhos dos vestibulandos em quatro áreas de conteú de Física.
Educação e Seleção, 7:43–48, jan./jun. 1983.

133.   M. V. F. Copetti and E. L. D. Bica.
The volumes of He+ and H+ in HII regions: the Orion nebula.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 91(2):381–394, Apr. 1983.

134.   J. A. Borges da Costa, C. Scherer, A. Holz, and J. Naghizadeh.
Contribution of the torsional modes to the equilibrium distribution of vibrational states and to the specific heat of a chain molecule.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 38a(12):1285–1292, Dez. 1983.

135.   J. B. M. da Cunha, P. J. Viccaro, and A. Vasquez.
A Mössbauer study of the spin-reorientation in the pseudobinary intermetallic compounds (Er1-xGdx) Fe3.
Hyperfine Interactions, 16(1/4):697–700, Dec. 1983.

136.   H. A. Dottori.
Bursts of star formation in detached extragalactic HII regions: a qualitative analysis.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 90(2):385–389, Feb. 1983.

137.   H. A. Dottori, M. G. Pastoriza, and E. L. D. Bica.
DDO photometry and metallic abundances of E and SO galaxies and globular cluster of the LMC and SMC.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 91(1):79–91, Mar. 1983.

138.   J. R. Ducati.
Meio interestelar nas vizinhanças do Sol.
Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira, 6(3):2–9, jul./set. 1983.

139.   P. M. Engel and J. P. de Souza.
Minority carrier lifetime improvement by HCl oxidation and argon ion implantation of silicon.
Journal of Applied Physics, 54(7):4211–4212, July 1983.

140.   H. O. Girotti and H. J. Rothe.
Quantization of spontaneously broken gauge theories in the unitary gauge through the Dirac-bracket formalism.
Il Nuovo Cimento, 75A(1):62–68, mag. 1983.

141.   H. O. Girotti and T. J. M. Simões.
A generalized treatment of point canonical transformations in the path integral.
Il Nuovo Cimento, 74B(1):59–66, mar. 1983.

142.   M. A. Gusmão and W. K. Theumann.
Validity of the long-range expansion in the η-vector model.
Physical Review B, 28(11):6545–6547, Dec. 1983.

143.   I. J. Hodgkinson, F. Horowitz, H. A. MacLeod, M. Sikkens, and J. J. Wharton.
Birefringence in optical coatings.
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 73(12):1871–, Dec. 1983.

144.   F. Horowitz and H. A. MacLeod.
Form birefringence in thin films.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 361:83–87, 1983.

145.   Y. Hsu, J. E. Schmidt, M. Gupta, S. Jen, and L. Berger.
Magnetoresistance of Pd-Fe and Pd-Ni-Fe alloys.
Journal of Applied Physics, 54(4):1887–1891, Apr. 1983.

146.   S. Jha, H. M. Seyoum, M. Demarco, G. M. Julian, D. A. Stubbs, J. W. Blue, M. T. X. Silva, and A. Vasquez.
Site and probe dependence of hyperfine magnetic field in L21 Heusleer alloys X2MnZ (X=Ni, Cu, Rh, Pd and Z= Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Pb).
Hyperfine Interactions, 16(1/4):685–688, Dec. 1983.

147.   J. D. Jorgensen, D. G. Hinks, D. R. Noakes, P. J. Viccaro, and G. K. Shenoy.
Valence and delocalization of Yb in the Chevrel-phase YbMo6S8.
Physical Review B, 27(3):1465–1473, Feb. 1983.

148.   S. O. Kepler, E. L. Robinson, and R. E. Nather.
The light curve of the ZZ Ceti star G226-29.
The Astrophysical Journal, 271(2):744–753, Aug. 1983.

149.   F. W. Kutzler, D. E. Ellis, T. I. Morrison, G. K. Shenoy, P. J. Viccaro, P. A. Montano, E. H. Appelman, L. Stein, M. J. Pellin, and D. M. Gruen.
X-ray absorption near edge structure in solid Kr and KrF2.
Solid State Communications, 46(11):803–806, June 1983.

150.   J. A. Lisboa, S. R. Teixeira, S. L. S. Cunha, R. E. Francke, and H. P. Grieneisen.
A grazing-incidence dye laser with an intracavity lens.
Optics Communications, 44(6):393–396, Feb. 1983.

151.   A. Maciel, S. G. Fries, J. A. H. da Jornada, R. P. Livi, and E. R. Fraga.
Study of the nuclear quadrupole interaction in Tl5Te3.
Physica Status Solidi A, 80(1):245–248, Nov. 1983.

152.   N. P. Montenegro, I. Aveline, and J. R. Iglesias.
Nuevo tratamiento para el modelo RFK.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 13(1):39–44, Mar. 1983.

153.   M. A. Moreira and R. C. Costa.
Assessment of content and cognitive structures in physics at college level.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 8(3):234–245, 1983.

154.   D. Niarchos, P. J. Viccaro, G. K. Shenoy, B. D. Dunlap, and J. K. Yakinthos.
169Tm Mössbauer spectroscopy and crystal field calculations in TmNi3 and TmCo3 intermetallics.
The Journal of Physical and Chemistry of Solids, 44(4):307–309, 1983.

155.   A. Paesano Jr., J. I. Kunrath, and A. Vasquez.
A 57Fe Mössbaue study of epidote.
Hyperfine Interactions, 16(1/4):841–844, Dec. 1983.

156.   M. G. Pastoriza and U. O. Röpke.
DDO photometry on red giants in the open clusters NGC 2232, NGC 2287, and NGC 2451.
The Astronomical Journal, 88(12):1769–1774, Dec. 1983.

157.   M. J. Sablik, P. Pureur, G. Creuzet, A. Fert, and P. M. Levy.
Quadrupole scattering in PrAl2.
Physical Review B, 28(7):3890–3896, Oct. 1983.

158.   C. A. dos Santos, M. Behar, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Composition and thermal evolution of nitrogen implanted steels: a systematic study.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 209/210:907–912, May 1983.

159.   J. Schaf, I. A. Campbell, K. Le Dang, P. Veillet, and A. Hamzik.
NMR and magnetization study of the mixed systems (Pd1-xCux)2MnIn and (Pd1-xNix)2MnIn.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 36(3):310–318, Apr. 1983.

160.   J. Schaf, K. Le Dang, P. Veillet, and I. A. Campbell.
Extended and local effects of cold work in Heusler alloys.
Journal of Physics F, 13(6):1311–1316, June 1983.

161.   J. Schaf, K. Le Dang, and P. Veillet.
Spin-glass behavior as a function of concentration and local order by NMR in nearly random NiMn systems.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 37(3):297–302, July 1983.

162.   G. K. Shenoy, B. Schuttler, P. J. Viccaro, and D. Niarchos.
Magnetic properties of intermetallic hydrides.
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 94(1):37–44, Oct. 1983.

163.   P. L. da Silveira.
Correção no índice de discriminação de itens em testes psicométricos.
Ciência e Cultura, 35(1):78–79, jan. 1983.

164.   P. L. da Silveira.
Considerações sobre o índice de discriminação de itens em testes educacionais.
Educação e Seleção, 7:54–58, jan./jun. 1983.

165.   P. L. da Silveira, P. H. Dionisio, and B. Buchweitz.
Inferência sobre a média de uma grandeza a partir de um conjunto de dados: um aspecto relacionado com a sensibilidade das medidas.
Ciência e Cultura, 35(10):1492–1496, out. 1983.

166.   A. S. da Simões and J. R. Iglesias.
A diagrammatic method for a mixed valence hamiltonian.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 31–34:471–472, Feb. 1983.

167.   J. P. de Souza, E. Charry, and J. W. Swart.
A very simple Al-gate technology for high performance LSI circuits.
International Journal of Electronics, 54(1):155–159, Jan. 1983.

168.   A. Theumann.
Second-quantized theory of Anderson localization in d = 2 + ϵ.
Physical Review B, 28(11):6453–6462, Dec. 1983.

169.   W. K. Theumann.
Crossover from first-order and near-spinodal first-order to continuous transitions in the three- and four-state Potts model.
Physical Review B, 28(11):6519–6522, Dec. 1983.

170.   W. K. Theumann.
First-order phase transitions in the Potts model with trilinear symmetry breaking.
Physical Review B, 27(11):6941–6953, June 1983.

171.   A. M. Umarji, D. R. Noakes, P. J. Viccaro, G. K. Shenoy, and A. T. Aldred.
Magnetic properties of REFe2Si2 compounds.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 36(1/2):61–65, Apr. 1983.

172.   B. J. Wills, J. T. Pollock, M. F. Aller, T. J. Balonek, R. E. Barvainis, R. P. Binzel, F. H. Chafee Jr., W. A. Dent, J. N. Douglas, C. Fanti, D. B. Garret, L. Gregorini, R. B. C. Henry, R. E. Hill, R. Howard, N. Jeske, S. O. Kepler, R. J. Leacock, F. Mantovani, C. P. O’Dea, L. Padrielli, P. Perley, A. J. Pica, J. J. Puschell, N. Sanduleak, G. A. Shields, A. G. Smith, T. X. Thuan, C. M. Wade, A. J. Wasilewski, J. R. Webb, D. Wills, and W. Z. Wisnieski.
The QSO 1156+295: a multifrequency study of recent activity.
The Astrophysical Journal, 274(1):62–85, Nov. 1983.

173.   C. S. Wu, D. Dillenburg, L. F. Ziebell, and H. P. Freund.
Excitation of whistler waves by reflected auroral electrons.
Planet. Space Sci., 31(5):499–507, May 1983.

174.   L. F. Ziebell and D. Dillenburg.
Induced electron-cyclotron emission from inhomogeneous anisotropic plasmas with electron population inversion.
Phys. of Fluids, 26(1):80–86, Jan. 1983.

175.   L. F. Ziebell and D. Dillenburg.
Momentum distribution dependence of induced electron cyclotron emission.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 13(4):703–720, dez. 1983.

176.   L. Amaral, M. Behar, A. Maciel, and H. Saitovich.
Anomalous temperature behaviour of the electric field gradient in a InSe semiconductor compound.
Physics Letters, 102/A(1/2):45–48, Apr. 1984.

177.   L. Amaral, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
A model for the electric quadrupole interactions in high d-density of states metallic systems.
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 56(1):17–26, mar. 1984.

178.   K. Baberschke, P. Pureur, A. Fert, R. Wendler, and S. Senoussi.
Rare-earth spin-glasses with uniaxial anisotropy.
Physical Review B, 29(9):4999–5006, May 1984.

179.   M. Behar, J. P. Biersack, P. F. P. Fichtner, D. Fink, C. V. de B. Leite Filho, C. A. Olivieri, B. K. Patnaik, B. K. Patnaik, J. P. de Souza, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range and range straggling of 15 to 350 keV 69Ga in amorphous silicon.
Radiation Effects, 85(3):117–122, Dec. 1984.

180.   T. S. Bergmann, S. H. B. Livi, and R. D. D. Costa.
B, V, and DDO photometric observations of red variable stars.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 100(1/2):341–349, Mar. 1984.

181.   Ialo Bonilla.
Zeeman effect in NO2.
Revista Brasileira de Física, 14(1):86–92, mar. 1984.

182.   Bernardo Buchweitz.
O uso de mapas conceituais na anlise do currículo.
Educação e Seleção, 10:3–16, jul./dez. 1984.

183.   M. V. Copetti, H. A. Dottori, E. L. Bica, and M. G. Pastoriza.
Age-determination of hii-regions of the lmc and smc.
Iau Symposia, pages 383–384, 1984.

184.   M. Dillig, V. E. Herscovitz, and M. R. Teodoro.
Σ-hypernuclear low-lying states in 12C.
Journal of Physics G, 10(3):159–164, Mar. 1984.

185.   P. H. Dionísio, B. A. S. Barros Jr., and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Intermetallic phases formed during tin implantation into iron and steels.
Journal of Applied Physics, 55(12):4219–4224, June 1984.

186.   G. L. F. Fraga, J. V. Kunzler, F. Ogiba, and D. E. Brandão.
Electrical resistivity of the Ni2MnIn Heusler alloy.
Physica Status Solidi (a), 83(2):K187–190, June 1984.

187.   José Roberto Iglesias-Sicardi.
Ciência dependente.
Ciência e Cultura, 36(6):966–978, jun. 1984.

188.   B. K. Jennings, E. A. Veit, and A. W. Thomas.
Pion-nucleon scattering lengths in the cloudy bag model.
Physics Letters, 148B(1/3):28–30, Nov. 1984.

189.   J. A. H. da Jornada, S. Block, and G. J. Piermarini.
Interferometric high pressure gauge for the diamond anvil cell useful at high temperatures.
Applied Physics Letters, 45(6):700–702, Sept. 1984.

190.   S. O. Kepler.
Light and line profile variations due to r-mode pulsations with an application to the ZZ Ceti star G117-B15A.
The Astrophysical Journal, 286(1):314–327, Nov. 1984.

191.   S. O. Kepler.
The ZZ Ceti star GD385 revisited.
The Astrophysical Journal, 278(2):754–760, Mar. 1984.

192.   A. Latgé, R. M. Ribeiro-Teixeira, and J. R. Iglesias.
Binding energy of a hydrogen impurity in an f.c.c. lattice.
Solid State Communications, 52(2):87–91, 1984.

193.   M. A. J. Mariscotti, A. J. Kreiner, M. Behar, A. C. Macchiavelli, G. Bermudez Garcia, and A. M. J. Ferrero.
The high-spin structure of 100Rh.
Nuclear Physics, A422(1):167–188, June 1984.

194.   S. F. Martin, R. D. Bentley, A. Schadee, A. Antalova, A. Kucera, L. Dezso, L. Gesztelyi, K. L. Harvey, H. Jones, S. H. B. Livi, and J. Wang.
Relationships of a growing magnetic flux region to flares.
Advances in Space Research, 4(7):61–70, 1984.

195.   Marco A. Moreira.
O mapa conceitual como instrumento de avaliação na aprendizagem.
Educação e Seleção, 10:17–34, jul./dez. 1984.

196.   P. P. Patry.
Quadradure phase shifter for nonsinusoidal.
Electronical Engineering, 56(688):32–, Apr. 1984.

197.   P. P. Petry.
O triac: a energia em jogo e o fator de potência.
Mundo Elétrico, 25(294):22–24, mar. 1984.

198.   C. A. dos Santos, M. Behar, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Surface modifications and the mechanical properties of carbon steels implanted with nitrogen.
Journal of Physics D, 17(3):551–562, Mar. 1984.

199.   C. A. dos Santos, I. J. R. Baumvol, E. A. Garcia, and M. Behar.
Carbonitride precipitation by sucessive implantation of carbon and nitrogen into pure iron.
Journal of Physics D, 17(5):969–977, May 1984.

200.   C. A. Santos and M. A. Moreira.
Mapas cognoscitivos en termodinamica por medio de escalamiento multidimensional.
Contactos, 1:31–37, 1984.

201.   P. M. dos Santos, N. J. Schuck, M. A. G. Maia, Edmundo da R. Vieira, H. A. Dottori, C. C. Carraro, N. C. Eick, S. J. C. Landaberry, and J. Von Krüger.
Escolha de sítios no Brasil para instalação de instrumental radiointerferométrico.
Ciência e Cultura, 36(7):1109–1116, jul. 1984.

202.   J. E. Schmidt and L. Berger.
Magnetostriction of Pd-Fe alloys.
Journal of Applied Physics, 55(4):1073–1080, Feb. 1984.

203.   F. L. da Silveira and M. A. Moreira.
Avaliação do desempenho do professor pelo aluno: evidências de validade de um instrumento.
Ciência e Cultura, 36(3):466–472, mar. 1984.

204.   A. S. R. Simões, J. R. Iglesias, and E. V. Anda.
Green-function method for a mixed-valence Hamiltonian.
Physical Review B, 29(6):3085–3089, Mar. 1984.

205.   J. E. Solheim, E. L. Robinson, R. E. Nather, and S. O. Kepler.
The 1051 s period of the interacting binary white dwarf AM CVn.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 135(1):1–11, June 1984.

206.   R. M. R. Teixeira, M. H. P. Corrêa, A. Vasquez, and C. E. T. G. da Silva.
Hyperfine magnetic fields in (Pd, Au)3Fe.
Physica, 124B+C(2):218–224, Apr./May 1984.

207.   A. Theumann and M. V. Gusmão.
Quantum ising spin-glass.
Physics Letters, 105A(6):311–314, Oct. 1984.

208.   A. Theumann and M. T. Béal-Monod.
Singularities in the paramagnetism of two-dimensional nearly magnetic itinerant-fermion systems at very low temperature: application to degenerate two-dimensional liquid-3He films.
Physical Review B, 29(5):2567–2579, Mar. 1984.

209.   Walter K. Theumann and M. A. Gusmão.
Crossover exponents for the Potts model with quadractic symmetry breaking.
Physical Review B, 30(5):2800–2805, Sept. 1984.

210.   S. T. Tsai, M. Tanaka, J. D. Gaffey Jr., E. H. da Jornada, C. S. Wu, and L. F. Ziebell.
Effect of electron thermal anisotropy on the kinetic cross-field streaming instability.
J. Plasma Phys., 32(1):159–178, Aug. 1984.

211.   E. A. Veit, B. K. Jennings, R. C. Barrett, and A. W. Thomas.
Kaon-nucleon scattering in an extended cloudy bag model.
Physics Letters B, 137(5/6):415–418, Apr. 1984.

212.   R. Wendler, P. Pureur, A. Fert, and K. Baberschke.
Magnetic properties of Gd doped Y and Sc single crystals.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 45(2/3):185–190, Nov. 1984.

213.   R. Axt and V. H. Guimarães.
O ensino experimental de física em escolas de nível médio: uma tentativa de viabilizá-lo.
Ciência e Cultura, 37(1):39–45, jan. 1985.

214.   M. Behar, A. M. J. Ferrero, A. Filevich, and A. O. Macchiavelli.
High spin states in 97Rh.
Zeitschrift für Physik A, 320(3):467–474, Feb. 1985.

215.   M. Behar, P. F. Fichtner, C. A. Olivieri, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, and J. P. Biersack.
Range profiles of implanted Bi and Au in amorphous silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B6(3):453–458, Feb. 1985.

216.   M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, C. A. Olivieri, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, J. P. Biersack, D. Fink, and M. Stadele.
Range profiles of 10 to 380 keV 120Sn and 133Cs in amorphous silicon.
Radiation Effects, 90(1/2):103–110, Sept. 1985.

217.   M. Behar, E. R. Fraga, A. Maciel, W. H. Schreiner, and H. Saitovich.
Temperature behaviour of the electric field gradients in the switching InSe compound.
Journal of Physics C, 18(31):5863–5871, Nov. 1985.

218.   T. S. Bergmann, M. G. Pastoriza, and M. F. S. Schröder.
BV surface photometry of the southern galaxies NGC 2855 and NGC 4507.
Revista Maxicana de Astronomia e Astrofísica, 10:81–90, mar. 1985.

219.   M. Betz, G. Krein, and Th. A. J. Maris.
Bags in the shell model.
Nuclear Physics, A437(3/4):509–518, May 1985.

220.   S. Block, J. A. H. da Jornada, and G. J. Piermarini.
The P-T phase diagram of zirconia.
Journal of the American Ceramical Society, 68(9):497–499, Sept. 1985.

221.   P. J. Brown, R. Caudron, A. Fert, D. Givord, and P. Pureur.
Highly magnetic structure in diluted Y-Gd alloys.
Journal de Physique Lettres, 46(23):1139–1141, Dec. 1985.

222.   M. H. Preis Corrêa, W. H. Schreiner, J. E. Schmidt, P. J. VIccaro, and A. Vasquez.
Magnetic properties of the hydride Pd3FeH0.7.
Journal of Physics F, 15(8):1779–1785, Aug. 1985.

223.   M. E. V. Costa, H. O. Girotti, and T. J. M. Simões.
Dynamics of gauge systems and Dirac’s conjecture.
Physical Review D, 32(2):405–410, July 1985.

224.   S. P. Cruz and F. P. Livi.
Inductive observation of transitions from [100] magnetic domains to [010] and [001] in silicon-iron.
Journal of Applied Physics, 57(8):4220–4222, Apr. 1985.

225.   J. B. M. da Cunha, P. J. Viccaro, and A. Vasquez.
Spin reorientation in (Er, Gd)Fe3 compounds.
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 15(3):709–717, Mar. 1985.

226.   M. Deicher, G. Grübel, E. Recknagel, Th. Wichert, and M. Behar.
111In-Pd interactions in defect cascades in AgPd and CuPd.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B7/8:119–123, Mar. 1985.

227.   P. H. Dionisio, B. A. S. Barros Jr., and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Comparative study of intermetallic phases formed by direct ion implantation and radiation enhanced diffusion of tin in two kinds of steel.
Journal of Applied Physics, 58(2):773–778, July 1985.

228.   R. Erichsen Jr., I. J. R. Baumvol, and J. P. de Souza.
Recoil implantation of antimony into silicon by argon ion bombardment.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B7/8:316–320, Mar. 1985.

229.   A. Fert, P. Pureur, A. Hamzic, and J. P. Kappler.
Hall effect in Ce1-xYxPd3 mixed-valence alloys.
Physical Review B, 32(10):7003–7004, Nov. 1985.

230.   D. Fink, J. P. Biersack, J. T. Chen, M. Städele, K. Tjan, M. Behar, C. A. Olivieri, and F. C. Zawislak.
Distributions of light ions and foil destruction after irradiation of organic polymers.
Journal of Applied Physics, 58(2):668–676, July 1985.

231.   G. L. Fraga, J. V. Kunzler, and D. E. Brandão.
Spin-disorder resistivity in Ni2Mn(Sn1-xInx) Heusler alloys.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 46(9):1071–1075, Sept. 1985.

232.   C. A. Garcia Canal, E. M. Santangelo, and M. B. G. Ducati.
Excitation rates of heavy quarks.
Physical Review D, 31(11):2748–2752, June 1985.

233.   H. O. Girotti and K. D. Rothe.
Quantization of QED and QCD in a fully fixed temporal gauge.
Zeitschrift für Physik, 27(4):559–562, Apr. 1985.

234.   G. Giruzzi, V. Krivenski, I. Fidone, and L. F. Ziebell.
Electron cyclotron wave absorption by the fast tail generated by the DC electric field in tokamak plasmas.
Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 27(10):1151–1161, Oct. 1985.

235.   C. M. Hasenack, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
The suppression of residual defects in silicon implanted with arsenic by rapid isothermal annealing.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B9(3):341–343, June 1985.

236.   I. J. Hodgkinson, F. Horowitz, H. A. Macleod, M. Sikkens, and J. J. Wharton.
FECO-based observations of birefringence at normal incidence in optical coatings.
Applied Optics, 24(11):1568–1570, June 1985.

237.   I. J. Hodgkinson, F. Horowitz, H. A. Macleod, M. Sikkens, and J. J. Wharton.
Measurement of the principal refractive indices of thin films deposited at oblique incidence.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2(10):1693–1697, Oct. 1985.

238.   F. Horowitz.
Microestrutura e alguns de seus efeitos óticos em filmes finos.
Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo, 5(1/2):201–208, out. 1985.

239.   J. R. Iglesias-Sicardi and P. M. Mors.
Effect of the d - f correlation on the electronic structure of intermediate valence systems.
Solid State Communications, 56(7):557–561, Nov. 1985.

240.   S. Jha, H. M. Seyioum, G. M. Julian, R. A. Dunlap, A. Vasquez, J. B. M. da Cunha, and S. M. M. Ramos.
Hyperfine fields at sp sites in the Heusler alloys Rh2MnZ (Z=Ge, Sn, Pb).
Physical Review B, 132(5):3279–3281, Sept. 1985.

241.   J. A. H. da Jornada, S. Block, F. A. Mauer, and G. J. Piermarini.
Phase transition and compression of LiNbO3 under static high pressure.
Journal of Applied Physics, 57(3):842–844, Feb. 1985.

242.   E. H. da Jornada, J. D. Gaffey Jr., and D. Winske.
Instabilities excited by an energetic ion beam and electronic temperature anisotropy in tandem mirror.
Phys. of Fluids, 28(2):611–619, Feb. 1985.

243.   R. P. Livi.
Adhesion enhancement induced by MeV ion beams.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B10/11:545–548, May 1985.

244.   R. P. Livi, S. Paine, C. R. Wie, M. H. Mendenhall, J. Y. Tang, T. Vreeland Jr., and T. A. Tombrello.
Electrical contact and adhesion modification produced by high energy heavy ion bombardment of Au films on GaAs.
Materials Research Society Symposium, 37:467–472, 1985.

245.   S. H. B. Livi, J. Wang, and S. F. Martin.
The cancellation of magnetic flux. I On the quiet sun.
Australian Journal of Physics, 38(6):855–873, 1985.

246.   S. F. Martin, S. H. B. Livi, and J. Wang.
The cancellation of magnetic flux. I In a decaying active region.
Australian Journal of Physics, 38(6):929–959, 1985.

247.   J. P. Mondt and J. Goedert.
Dissipative Instabilities at the edge of reversed-field pinches driven by a combination of plasma gradients and a parallel current.
Phys. of Fluids, 28(6):1816–1825, June 1985.

248.   Marco Antonio Moreira.
Concept mappings: an alternative strategy for evaluation.
Assessment and evaluation in higher education, 10(2):159–168, Sum. 1985.

249.   M. A. Moreira.
Metodologia da pesquisa e metodologia de ensino: uma aplicação prática.
Ciência e Cultura, 37(10):1588–1594, out. 1985.

250.   P. M. Mors and J. R. Iglesias.
Effect of the d - f coulomb correlation on the valence transition of intermediate valence systems.
Solid State Communications, 55(3):205–208, Jul. 1985.

251.   P. M. Mors, J. R. Iglesias, and E. V. Anda.
Effect of the spatial correlation on the alloy analogy approximation to the Hubbard Hamiltonian.
Solid State Communications, 55(9):827–829, Sept. 1985.

252.   P. M. Mors, A. S. R. Simões, and J. R. Iglesias.
Real space renormalization of a mixed valence hamiltonian on a Bethe lattice.
Solid State Communications, 55(3):201–204, July 1985.

253.   M. R. Olcay, J. A. Pasqual, J. A. Lisboa, and R. E. Francke.
Tuning of a narrow linewidth pulsed dye laser with a Fabry-Perot and diffraction grating over a large wavelenght range.
Applied Optics, 24(19):3146–3150, Oct. 1985.

254.   C. A. Olivieri, M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Depth profile and thermal annealing behavior of Bi implanted into an Al/Ti bilayer structure.
Journal of Applied Physics, 58(2):659–662, July 1985.

255.   W. G. L. Pöppel and E. R. Vieira.
A southern atlas of galactic hydrogen (the region 240 1 359, +3 b +17).
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia e Astrofísica, 11(1):3–5, jun. 1985.

256.   P. Pureur, G. Creuzet, and A. Fert.
Magnetostriction of single crystals of yttrium doped with rare earths impurities.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 53(1/2):121–130, Nov. 1985.

257.   P. Pureur, A. Fert, R. Wendler, and K. Baberschke.
Magnetic ordering in YGd alloys.
Journal of Applied Physics, 57(1):3230–3231, Apr. 1985.

258.   C. A. Santos and M. A. Moreira.
Begriffsdiagramme in der thermodynamik mit hilfe multidimensionaler skalierung.
Physica Didactica, 12(4):3–10, 1985.

259.   Arion de Castro Kurtz dos, M. A. Moreira, and Carlos Ernesto Lewandowski.
Algumas características dos professores de física do ensino de 2o. grau em Porto Alegre.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 2(2):51–56, Ago. 1985.

260.   W. H. Schreiner, W. Stamm, and E. F. Wassermann.
Re-entrant spin-glass behaviour in ordered and disordered Pt3(Mn1 - xFex) alloys.
Journal of Phyiscs F, 15(9):2009–2023, Sept. 1985.

261.   C. R. Shi, H. S. Toh, D. Lo, R. P. Livi, M. H. Mendenhall, D. Z. Zhang, and T. A. Tombrello.
Secondary electron emission from the entrance and exit surfaces of thin carbon foils under fast ion bombardment.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B9(3):263–369, June 1985.

262.   F. L. da Silveira, M. A¿ Moreira, and A. D. Nunes.
Avaliação do desempenho do professor pelo aluno: novas evidências de validade de um instrumento.
Ciência e Cultura, 37(8):1237–1240, ago. 1985.

263.   W. K. Theumann and M. A. Gusmão.
Critical exponents for Φ3-field models with long-range interactions.
Physical Review B, 31(1):379–388, Jan. 1985.

264.   M. C. Dibar de Ure and M. A. Moreira.
Tesis de didactica de la fisica en Brasil.
Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 3(1):63–66, Feb. 1985.

265.   C. A. Z. Vasconcellos, H. A. Dottori, and A. A. Schmidt.
The primeval hadron and the Regge law.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 113(2):383–390, July 1985.

266.   A. Vasquez, J. M. Friedt, J. P. Sanchez, Ph. l’Heritier, and R. Fruchart.
Spin reorientation phenomena in RE2Fe14B (RE= Ce, Dy, Er) alloys from 57Fe and 161Dy Mössbauer spectroscopies.
Solid State Communications, 55(9):783–786, Sept. 1985.

267.   E. A. Veit, B. K. Jennings, A. W. Thomas, and R. C. Barret.
S-wave meson-nucleon scattering in an SU(3) cloudy bag model.
Physical Review D, 31(5):1033–1044, Mar. 1985.

268.   E. A. Veit, A. W. Thomas, and B. K. Jennings.
KN scattering in the cloudy bag model: s, p and d waves.
Physical Review D, 31(9):2242–2247, May. 1985.

269.   C. R. Wie, C. R. Shi, M. H. Wendenhall, R. P. Livi, T. Vreeland Jr., and T. A. Tombrello.
Two types of MeV ion beam enhanced adhesion for Au films on SiO2.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B9(1):20–24, Apr. 1985.

270.   S. Zimmermann.
Development of a fastbus diagnostic system.
Interface in Computing, 3:295–308, 1985.

271.   S. Zimmermann and W. Graves.
A fastbus master controlled by a multibus SBC and by a personal microcomputer.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-32(1):298–300, Feb. 1985.

272.   L. Amaral, P. Nedellec, A. Traverse, H. Bernas, L. Dumoulin, and J. P. Burger.
Electrical transport properties of Bi3Ni under helium irradiation and hydrogen implantation.
Journal of Physics F, 16(9):1239–1246, Sept. 1986.

273.   R. Axt.
Conceitos intuitivos em questões objetivas aplicadas no concurso vestibular unificado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
Ciência e Cultura, 38(3):444–452, mar. 1986.

274.   Márcia C. Barbosa, M. A. Gusmão, and W. K. Theumann.
Renormalization and phase transitions in Potts Φ3 field theory with quadractic and trilinear symmetry breaking.
Physical Review E, 34(5):3165–3176, Sept. 1986.

275.   M. Behar, J. P. Biersack, P. F. P. Fichtner, D. Fink, C. A. Olivieri, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range distributions and thermal behaviour of Bi implanted into KCl and Al/KCl bilayer structures.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B14(2):173–178, Feb. 1986.

276.   M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, C. A. Olivieri, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Implantation and thermal annealing behaviour of Bi implanted into Al/Ti and Al/V bilayer structures.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B15:78–80, 1986.

277.   T. S. Bergmann and M. G. Pastoriza.
BV surface photometry of southern galaxies. I. NGC 4507.
The Astrophysical Journal, 304(1):305–311, May 1986.

278.   T. S. iand M. F. Saraiva Schröder Bergmann and M. G. Pastoriza.
BV surface photometry of the southern galaxies NGC 6769, 6770 and 6771.
Rev. Mexicana de Astronomía e Astrofísica, 12:133–, Feb. 1986.

279.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
A base of star clusters for stellar population synthesis.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 162(1/2):21–31, July 1986.

280.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
The interstellar Na I strength versus reddening relationship: its incidence on stellar population synthesis.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 166(1/2):83–91, Sept. 1986.

281.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
A grid of star clusters properties for stellar population synthesis.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 66(2):171–179, Nov. 1986.

282.   E. Bica, H. A. Dottori, and M. G. Pastoriza.
Ages and metallicities of LMC and SMC red clusters through Hβ and G band photometry.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 156(1/2):261–267, Feb. 1986.

283.   M. V. F. Copetti, H. A. Dottori, and M. G. Pastoriza.
Photometric measurements of WHβ and [OIII]/ Hβ of HII regions in M83.
Rev. Mexicana de Astronomía e Astrofísica, 12:137–138, Feb. 1986.

284.   M. V. F. Copetti, H. A. Dottori, M. G. Pastoriza, and J. Melnick.
Age-determination of galactic hii-regions.
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, 12:283–284, 1986.

285.   M. V. F. Copetti, M. G. Pastoriza, and H. A. Dottori.
HII region age indicators.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 156(1/2):111–120, Feb. 1986.

286.   P. H. Dionisio, C. Scherer, S. R. Teixeira, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Direct ion implantation and radiation enhanced diffusion of tin into iron.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B16(4/5):345–354, June 1986.

287.   M. E. Dominguez and M. A. Moreira.
Deteccion de conceptos intuitivos en eletricidad a traves de entrevistas clinicas.
Revista de Enseñanza de la Física, 2(1):7–15, 1986.

288.   H. A. Dottori, Miriani Pastoriza, S. J. Codina Landaberry, and J. A. de Freitas Pacheco.
Spectrophotometry of the nucleum of NGC 7552.
Rev. Mexicana de Astronomía e Astrofísica, 12:119–123, Feb. 1986.

289.   H. A. Dottori and M. G. Pastoriza.
A comparative study of the stellar content in normal and active nuclei of spiral galaxies.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 121(1):147–160, Apr. 1986.

290.   J. R. Ducati.
The distribution of interstellar extinction near the sun.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 126(2):269–293, Oct. 1986.

291.   P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, C. A. Olivieri, R. P. Livi, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Energy dependence of the Z1-range oscillation effect in silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B15:58–60, 1986.

292.   P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, C. A. Olivieri, R. P. Livi, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Large Z1-range effect for Eu, Yb and Au ions implanted in amorphized silicon.
Radiation Effects, 87(4):191–195, Mar. 1986.

293.   I. Fidone, G. Giruzzi, V. Krivenski, L. F. Ziebell, and E. Mazzucato.
Electron cyclotron heating of a tokamak reactor with the extraordinary mode.
The Physics of Fluids, 29(3):803–809, Mar. 1986.

294.   I. Fidone, G. Giruzzi, V. Krivenski, and L. F. Ziebell.
Electron cyclotron wave damping for oblique propagation in hot plasmas.
Nucl. Fusion, 26(11):1537–1542, Nov. 1986.

295.   D. Fink, J. P. Biersack, M. Stadele, K. Tjan, M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, C. A. Olivieri, J. P. de Souza, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range profiles of ions in double layer structures.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B15:71–74, 1986.

296.   J. F. Fontanari and W. K. Theumann.
Effects of trilinear symmetry breaking on the Potts-model transition of uniaxially stressed SrTiO3.
Physical Review B, 33(5):3530–3533, Mar. 1986.

297.   J. M. Friedt, A. Vasquez, J. P. Sanchez, P. L’Héritier, and R. Fruchart.
Magnetism and crystal field properties of the RE2 Fe14BHx alloys (RE=Y, Ce, Dy, Er).
Journal of Physics F, 16(5):651–667, May 1986.

298.   J. M. Friedt, A. Vasquez, J. P. Sanchez, Ph. LH´  éritier, and R. Fruchart.
Mössbauer spectroscopy on RE2Fe14BHx (RE=Y, Ce, Dy, Er) alloys.
Hyperfine Interactions, 28(1/4):611–614, Feb. 1986.

299.   H. O. Girotti and H. J. Rothe.
Canonical derivation of the gluon propagator in the temporal gauge.
Physical Review D, 33(10):3132–3134, May 1986.

300.   H. O. Girotti, H. J. Rothe, and K. D. Rothe.
Canonical quantization of a two-dimensional model with anomalous breaking of gauge invariance.
Physical Review D, 33(2):514–518, Jan. 1986.

301.   H. O. Girotti, H. J. Rothe, and K. D. Rothe.
Quantum dynamics of chiral fermions in a model with anomalous breaking of gauge invariance.
Physical Review D, 34(2):592–597, July 1986.

302.   R. B. Guimarães, M. Behar, R. P. Livi, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Mass and energy dependence of implanted ion profiles in the AZ111 photoresist.
Journal of Applied Physics, 60(4):1322–1324, Aug. 1986.

303.   M. Haldeman and S. Zimmerman.
Fastbus rack alarms and limits.
Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science, 33:838–840, 1986.

304.   C. M. Hasenack, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Residual defects in implanted silicon submitted to RTA: evidence of a chemical effect.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B14(3):290–293, Mar. 1986.

305.   H. Jamett, B. Buchweitz, and M. A. Moreira.
Laboratório de física: uma análise do currículo.
Ciência e Cultura, 38(12):1995–2003, Dez. 1986.

306.   S. Jha, H. M. Seyoum, Sherif Hehia, C. Mitros, , G. M. Julian, R. A. Dunlap, A. Vasquez, J. B. M. da Cunha, and M. M. S. Ramos.
Mössbauer measurements of the hyperfine magnetic field at sp site in Heusler alloys Rh2MnZ (Z=In and Sb).
Hyperfine Interactions, 28(1/4):491–494, Feb. 1986.

307.   S. O. Kepler.
Light and line-profile variations due to r-mode pulsations - with an application to the zz ceti star g117-b15a.
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, 12:343–343, 1986.

308.   H. R. Lewis and J. Goedert.
Exact invariants in resonance form for time-dependent potentials.
Physica D, 18(1/3):213–214, Jan. 1986.

309.   M. A. Moreira.
Ensino de ciências: implicações de uma perspectiva ausubeliana para a prática docente e para a pesquisa.
Ciência e Cultura, 38(12):1963–1969, Dez. 1986.

310.   M. A. Moreira and R. Axt.
O livro didático como veículo de ênfases curriculares no ensino de física.
Revista de Ensino de Física, 8(1):33–48, jun. 1986.

311.   M. A. Moreira and R. Axt.
A questão das ênfases curriculares e a formação do professor de ciências.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 3(2):66–78, ago. 1986.

312.   M. A. Moreira and Paulo Rosa.
Mapas conceituais.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 3(1):17–25, abr. 1986.

313.   L. F. Motter, V. M. Alves, J. S. Hickmann, T. Braun, C. R. M. de Oliveira, J. A. Lisboa, and R. E. Francke.
Sensor de pressão tipo Pirani construído com filamentos de lâmpadas.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 2(1):23–35, Mar. 1986.

314.   P. Nédellec, A. Traverse, L. Dumoulin, H. Bernas, L. Amaral, and G. Deutscher.
Evidence for the metal-insulator transition in a pure 3D metal.
Europhysics Letters, 2(6):465–470, Sept. 1986.

315.   H. Northfleet Neto, A. Bristoti, and A. Vasquez.
A simple method for pyritic sulfur determination in coal, using Mössbauer spectroscopy.
International Journal of Mineral Processing, 16(1/2):147–151, Jan. 1986.

316.   C. A. Olivieri, M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, F. C. Zawislak, D. FInk, and J. P. Biersack.
Implantation and thermal annealing behaviour of Bi implanted into the Al/KCl bilayer compound.
Radiation Effects, 98(1/4):27–33, Sept. 1986.

317.   M. G. Pastoriza, E. L. D. Bica, M. V. F. Copetti, , and H. A. Dottori.
Color gradients in globular clusters.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 119(2):279–285, Feb. 1986.

318.   P. Pureur, G. Creuzet, and A. Fert.
Anisotropic thermal expansion of yttrium metal and yttrium-based rare earth alloys at low temperature.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 60(2/3):161–167, Aug. 1986.

319.   P. C. Rech, M. R. Gallas, and J. A. C. Gallas.
Zeeman diamagnetism in hydrogen at arbitrary field strengths.
Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics, 19:L215–L219, 1986.

320.   J. P. Sanchez, J. M. Friedt, A. Vasquez, Ph. L’Héritier, and R. Fruchart.
166Er Mössbauer spectroscopy in the Er2 Fe14BHx alloys.
Solid State Communications, 57(5):309–313, Feb. 1986.

321.   C. A. dos Santos and I. J. R. Baumvol.
O aço tratado.
Ciência Hoje, 5(26):72–76, Set./Out. 1986.

322.   A. de C. K. Santos, M. A. Moreira, and C. E. Lewandowski.
Influência do instrumento na avaliação da aprendizagem decorrente do ensino de laboratório em física.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 3(3):122–133, Dez. 1986.

323.   E. M. Scherer, J. P. de Souza, C. M. Hasenack, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
A channeling and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy study of annealing behaviour of tin implanted silicon.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 1(4):241–245, Oct. 1986.

324.   Alex A. Schmidt, H. A. Dottori, and C. A. Z. Vasconcellos.
The average density of the universe and the Regge law.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 127(1):15–20, Nov. 1986.

325.   W. H. Schreiner and J. Schaf.
Recipients superisolados e válvula para tubos de transferência rígidos para hélio líquido.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 1(4):413–419, Out. 1986.

326.   F. L. da Silveira.
Estudo empírico da relação entre o período e a amplitude de um pêndulo simples.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 3(3):134–137, dez. 1986.

327.   F. L. da Silveira, M. A. Moreira, and R. Axt.
Validação de um teste para detectar se o aluno possui a concepção newtoniana sobre força e movimento.
Ciência e Cultura, 38(12):2047–2055, dez. 1986.

328.   T. J. M. Simões and H. O. Girotti.
Operator quantization of non-abelian gauge theories in a completely fixed axial gauge.
Annals of Physics, 169(1):1–28, June 1986.

329.   A. S. da Rosa Simões and J. R. Iglesias.
A new approach to the study of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain.
Journal de Physique, 47(6):967–972, juin 1986.

330.   Alba Theumann.
Conductivity of a random electron chain renormalization group approach.
Physica A, 139A:553–568, 1986.

331.   Alba Theumann.
Quantum spin glass: a replica symmetric theory with positive entropy.
Physical Review B, 33(1):559–566, Jan. 1986.

332.   W. K. Theumann and J. F. Fontanari.
The spherical-model limit in a random field.
Journal Of Statistical Physics, 45:99–112, 1986.

333.   E. A. Veit, B. K. Jennings, and A. W. Thomas.
Pion-nucleon scattering in the cloudy bak model.
Physical Review D, 33(7):1859–1866, Apr. 1986.

334.   J. S. Vieira, J. A¿ Qhillfeldt, L. F. Selistre, L. H. R. Rios, S. R. Schmitz, and M. H. Steffani.
Conservação de corrente elétrica num circuito elementar: o que os alunos pensam a respeito.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 3(1):12–16, abr. 1986.

335.   L. F. Ziebell and G. Granata.
Angular and momentum distribution dependence of electron cyclotron absorption and amplification in mirror confined plasmas.
Phys. of Fluids, 29(11):3730–3739, Nov. 1986.

336.   S. Zimmerman.
A fastbus logic analyzer based on slac snoop diagnostic modules.
Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science, 33:814–816, 1986.

337.   E. V. Anda and J. R. Iglesias.
Ciência, tecnologia e divisão internacional do trabalho.
Ciência e Cultura, 39(1):47–55, Jan. 1987.

338.   M. Behar, P. J. Viccaro, M. T. X. Silva, A. Vasquez, C. A. dos Santos, and F. C. Zawislak.
Influence of He-vacancy complexes on the thermal behavior of nitrogen precipitates in Fe.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B19/20:132–135, Feb. 1987.

339.   T. S. Bergmann and M. G. Pastoriza.
Galaxies with strong nitrogen lines.
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, 14:106–106, 1987.

340.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
The metallicity versus luminosity relationship for early-type galaxies.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 181(2):270–272, July 1987.

341.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
Analysis of absorption-line spectra in a sample of 164 galactic nuclei.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: Supplement Series, 70(2):281–301, Aug. 1987.

342.   S. M. Bisch, M. G. Pastoriza, H. Dottori, and I. Busko.
A search for periodicities in the light variation of some seyfert-galaxies.
Iau Symposia, pages 185–190, 1987.

343.   V. M. Blanco, B. Gregory, M. Hamuy, S. R. Heathcote, M. M. Phillips, N. B. Suntzeff, D. M. Terndrup, A. R. Walker, R. E. Williams, M. G. Pastoriza, T. Storchibergmann, and J. Matthews.
Supernova-1987a in the large magellanic cloud - initial observations at cerro-tololo.
Astrophysical Journal, 320:589–596, 1987.

344.   T. Braun, J. A. Lisboa, R. E. Francke, and J. A. C. Gallas.
Observation of deterministic chaos in electrical discharges in gases.
Physical Review Letters, 59(6):613–616, Aug. 1987.

345.   M. V. F. Copetti and H. A. Dottori.
Fotometria WHβ y —O III—Hβ de regiones H II y la historia de la formacio estelar reciente en la pequenña nube de Magallanes.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):191–, Mayo 1987.

346.   S. D. Desouza, R. N. Saxena, W. Shreiner, and F. C. Zawislak.
Magnetic hyperfine fields in heusler alloys co yz (y=ti,zr, z=al,ga,sn).
Hyperfine Interactions, 34:431–434, 1987.

347.   P. H. Dionisio and I. J. R. Baumvol.
The influence of tin ion implantation and radiation=enhanced tin diffusion on the thermal oxidation of a high-carbon steel.
Physica Status Solidi (a), 101(1):63–76, May 1987.

348.   Horacio A. Dottori.
Evolution of H II regions.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):463–473, Mayo 1987.

349.   H. A. Dottori and M. V. F. Copetti.
Spiral structure and age distribution of the H II regions in the milky way.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):223–, Mayo 1987.

350.   H. A. Dottori, J. Melnick, and E. Bica.
NGC 2209: the nature of the dark patch through the HR diagram.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):183–187, Mayo 1987.

351.   J. R. Ducati, T. S. Bergmann, C. M. Bevilacqua, C. Bonatto, R. L. Cavalcanti, R. D. D. Costa, H. A. Dottori, L. Girardi, D. Hadjimichef, S. O. Kepler, S. H. B. Livi, M. G. Pastoriza, J. F. Santos, A. Schmidt, and M. F. S. Schroder.
Strip photometry of comet Halley.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(2):664–667, Mayo 1987.

352.   Mario Epstein.
On the problem of extremizing downwind concentrations of pollutants from plane area sources.
Rev. Fis. Aplicada e Instrum., 2(2):134–143, jun. 1987.

353.   P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, C. A. Olivieri, R. P. Livi, J. P. de Souza, F. C. Zawislak, J. P. Biersack, and D. Fink.
Range profiles of 10 to 390 keV ions (29 z1 83) implanted into amorphous silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B28(4):481–487, Nov. 1987.

354.   I. Fidone, G. Giruzzi, V. Krivenski, E. Mazzucato, and L. F. Ziebell.
Cross-effects on electron cyclotron and lower-hybrid current drive in tokamak plasmas.
Nucl. Fusion, 27(4):579–587, Apr. 1987.

355.   D. Fink, J. P. Biersack, P. F. Sanchez, and P. F. Fichtner.
Universal relations between range and damage profile parameters.
Radiation Effects And Defects In Solids, 103:89–101, 1987.

356.   M. L. Franco, W. G. L. Poppel, and E. R. Vieira.
A southern atlas of galactic hydrogen (the region 0-degrees-less-than-or-equal-to-l-less-than-or-equal-to-12-degrees, 3-degrees-greater-than-or-equal-to-b-greater-than-or-equal-to-17-de grees).
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, 15:11–28, 1987.

357.   J. Goedert and H. R. Lewis.
Rational functions of momentum as invariants for one-dimensional, time-dependent potentials: Basic theory.
J. Math. Phys., 28(3):728–735, Mar. 1987.

358.   E. Granato, R. Ranvaud, A. F. da Silva, I. C. da C. Lima, and J. P. de Souza.
Comportamento elétrico de camadas implantadas por íons de P de baixa energia do Si.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 2(1):77–91, Mar. 1987.

359.   P. L. Grande, P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, R. P. Livi, F. C. Zawislak, J. P. Biersack, D. Fink, and P. Mertens.
Projected ranges and range stragglings of Au and Bi implanted into carbon films and into SiO2.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B19/20:25–27, 1987.

360.   R. B. Guimarães, M. Behar, R. P. Livi, J. P. de Souza, L. Amaral, F. C. Zawislak, D. Fink, and J. P. Biersack.
Dose and energy dependence of implanted ion profiles (9 z1 83) in the AZ111 photoresist.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B19/20:882–886, Feb. 1987.

361.   Miguel Angelo Gusmão.
Simple approximation for the Bethe-ansatz solution of the one-dimensional Fermi gas.
Physical Review B, 35(4):1682–1686, Feb. 1987.

362.   Miguel Angelo Gusmão.
Phase transitions in asymmetric Potts models: breakdown of the classical mean-field picture.
Physical Review B, 36(1):779–782, July 1987.

363.   C. M. Hasenack, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
The suppression of residual defects of silicon implanted with group III, IV and V elements.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2(8):477–484, Aug. 1987.

364.   P. Hering, S. L. Cunha, and K. L. Kompa.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy study of the energy partitioning in the Na(3P)-H2 collision pair with red wing excitation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 91(21):5459–5462, Oct. 1987.

365.   S. Jha, M. Elfazani, S. Yehia, C. Mitros, S. Kumar, G. M. Julian, R. A. Dunlap, A. Vasquez, J. B. M. da Cunha, and S. M. M. Ramos.
TDPAC and Mössbauer measurements of hyperfine fields in chromium-based chalcogenide spinels.
Hyperfine Interactions, 34(1/4):423–426, Apr. 1987.

366.   J. A. H. da Jornada.
Produção de materiais avançados por altas pressões.
Boletim Informativo SBF, 18(1):46–49, 1987.

367.   J. A. H. da Jornada, G. J. Piermarini, and S. Block.
Metastable retention of a high-pressure phase of zirconia.
Journal of American Ceramical Society, 70(9):628–630, 1987.

368.   G. Krein and Th. A. J. Maris.
The compatibility ot the nuclear shell and nucleon bag models.
Physical Review C, 36(1):365–371, July 1987.

369.   V. Krivenski, I. Fidone, G. Giruzzi, R. L. Meyer, and L. F. Ziebell.
Power dependence of electron cyclotron wave damping in tokamak plasmas.
Phys. of Fluids, 30(2):438–441, Feb. 1987.

370.   B. H. Lavenda and C. Scherer.
The statistical-inference approach to generalized thermodynamics. I. Statistics.
Il Nuovo CImento, 100B(2):199–213, Ago. 1987.

371.   B. H. Lavenda and C. Scherer.
The statistical-inference approach to generalized thermodynamics. I. Thermodynamics.
Il Nuovo CImento, 100B(2):215–227, Ago. 1987.

372.   H. R. Lewis and J. Goedert.
Rational functions of momentum as invariants for one-dimensional, time-dependent potentials: Two and three-resonance cases.
J. Math. Phys., 28:736–743, 1987.

373.   S. H. B. Livi.
Um visitante inesperado: a supernova 1987 A.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 4(2):98–103, ago. 1987.

374.   R. P. Livi.
A preliminary note on a circular structure in northern Bagé, RS.
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 5:63–64, 1987.

375.   O. L. L. Moraes and M. Epstein.
The velocity spectra in the stable surface layer.
Boundary Layer Meteorology, 40(4):407–414, Sept. 1987.

376.   M. A. Moreira and R. Axt.
Referências para análise e planejamento de currículo em ensino de ciências.
Ciência e Cultura, 39(3):250–258, Mar. 1987.

377.   Marco Antonio Moreira and Maria Eugenia Dellepiane Dominguez.
Miconceptions in electricity among college students.
Ciência e Cultura, 39(10):955–961, Out. 1987.

378.   P. M. Mors, R. Botet, and R. Jullien.
Cluster-cluster aggregation with dipolar interactions.
Journal of Physics A, 20(15):L975–L980, Oct. 1987.

379.   L. F. Motter, V. M. Alves, J. S. Hickmann, T. Braun, C. R. M. de Oliveira, J. A. Lisboa, and R. E. Francke.
Sensor de pressão tipo Pirani construído com filamentos de lâmpadas.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 2(1):23–35, Mar. 1987.

380.   F. Ogiba and R. P. Livi.
A digitalização de formas de onda como alternativa ao registro gráfico em tempo real.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 2(2):182–190, Jun. 1987.

381.   J. C. P. de Oliveira, J. I. Kunrath, and A. Vasquez.
The Mössbauer effect in natural almandine: Fe3Al2(SiO4)3.
Physica Scripta, 36(3):526–528, Sept. 1987.

382.   A. A. Pasa, J. P. de Souza, I. J. R. Baumvol, and F. L. Freire Junior.
Dopants redistribution during titanium-disilicide formation by rapid thermal processing.
Journal of Applied Physics, 61(3):1228–1230, Feb. 1987.

383.   D. Pelat, D. Alloin, and E. Bica.
Lines of high excitation in NGC 4151: new measurements of [Fe X] and [Fe XIV].
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 182(1):9–14, Aug. 1987.

384.   P. Pureur, G. L. Fraga, D. E. Brandão, R. Caudron, H. Safa, and G. Nieva.
Specific heat measurements in scandium-rare earth anisotropic spin glasses.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 68(2):213–217, Aug. 1987.

385.   P. Pureur and J. Schaf.
Electrical and magnetic properties of the high-Tc oxide superconductor YBa2Cu3O7.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 69(3):L215–220, Nov. 1987.

386.   F. B. Rizzato, R. S. Schneider, and D. Dillenburg.
Temperature effects on ion acoustic solitons in plasmas with near critical density of negative ions.
Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 29(9):1127–1136, Sept. 1987.

387.   P. F. Sanchez, D. Fink, P. F. Fichtner, and J. P. Biersack.
Analytical approximations for range and damage profile parameter predictions on a microcomputer.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 19-2:28–31, 1987.

388.   J. Schaf and P. Pureur.
Magnetotransport in Ni71Mn29 as a function of magnetic and atomic ordering.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 68(3):358–364, Sept. 1987.

389.   A. A. Schmidt and H. A. Dottori.
Nuclear stellar population of NGC772 (ARP78).
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):149–155, Mayo 1987.

390.   A. A. Schmidt, C. A. Z. Vasconcellos, and H. A. Dottori.
Cosmological mass density and the Regge law.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):66–70, Mayo 1987.

391.   C. M. da Silva, F. P. Livi, E. Panarotto, S. F. da Cunha, and A. A. Gomes.
Magnetic properties and a combined recursive-CPA calculation of pseudobinary intermetallics: application to Hf(FeAl)2.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 70(1/3):55–56, Dec. 1987.

392.   C. M. da Silva, F. P. Livi, E. Panarotto, and A. A. Gomes.
Magnetic properties of Zr(FeAl)2 pseudobinaries: a CPA study.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 70(1/3):52–54, Dec. 1987.

393.   M. T. X. Silva, J. Schaf, P. J. Viccaro, A. Vasquez, I. A¿ Campbell, K. Le Dang, and P. Veillet.
An internal oxidation effect in FeV alloys.
Physica B+C, 145(2):165–170, May/July 1987.

394.   C. A. M. Silva, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
X-ray diffractometry study of the phase stability in the pseudo-binary compounds Hf(Fe1-xSix)2 and Zr(Fe1-xSix)2.
Solid State Communications, 64(6):925–927, Nov. 1987.

395.   J. P. de Souza and W. H. Schreiner.
Alinhadora de fotomáscaras para aplicações em microeletrônica.
Rev. Fis. Aplicada e Instrum., 2(1):58–63, mar. 1987.

396.   S. R. Teixeira, C. A. Dossantos, P. H. Dionisio, W. H. Schreiner, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Interdiffusion and reaction in the fe-al bilayer .3. Phase characterization of furnace-annealed samples.
Materials Science And Engineering, 96:285–293, 1987.

397.   S. R. Teixeira, P. H. Dionisio, E. F. da Silveira, F. L. Freire Jr., W. H. Schreiner, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Interdiffusion and reaction in the Fe-Al bilayer: I. Rutherford backscattering analysis of furnace-annealed samples.
Materials Science and Engineering, 96:267–277, 1987.

398.   S. R. Teixeira, P. H. Dionisio, M. A. Z. Vasconcellos, E. F. da Silveira, W. H. Schreiner, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Interdiffusion and reaction in the Fe-Al bilayer: II. sheet resistivity of furnace-annealed samples.
Materials Science and Engineering, 96:279–283, 1987.

399.   Alba Theumann.
Superalgebra and the spherical model of a spin glass.
Journal of Physics A, 20(1):25–34, Jan. 1987.

400.   A. Vasquez and J. P. Sanchez.
Spin-reorientation phenomena in (Er1-xGdx )2Fe14B alloys.
Journal of Less-Common Metals, 127:71–78, Jan. 1987.

401.   E. A. Veit, G. Thomas, S. G. Fries, R. Axt, and L. F. Selistre.
O efeito fotoelétrico no segundo grau via microcomputadores.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 4(2):68–88, ago. 1987.

402.   D. E. Winget, C. J. Hansen, James Liebert, H. M. Van Horn, G. Fontaine, R. E. Nather, S. O. Kepler, and D. Q. Lamb.
An independent method for determining the age of the universe.
The Astrophysical Journal, 315(2):L77–L81, Apr. 1987.

403.   F. Xiong, F. RAuch, C. Shi, Z. Zhou, R. P. Livi, and T. A. Tombrello.
Hydrogen depth profiling in solids: a comparison of several resonant nuclear reaction techniques.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B27(3):432–441, July 1987.

404.   F. C. Zawislak.
O Instituto de Física e o desenvolvimento da informática no Rio Grande do Sul.
Boletim Informativo SBF, 18(1):12–14, mar. 1987.

405.   A. F. Zepka and H. A. Dottori.
Morphology of LMC clusters.
Rev. Mex. Astr. Astrofis., 14(1):172–177, Mayo 1987.

406.   F. Abel, M. Behar, and C. Cohen.
Range profiles of Ar implanted into C films.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 30(1):13–15, Feb 1988.

407.   R. M. C. de Almeida and J. R. Iglesias.
Towards Statistical Mechanics of a 2D Random Cellular Structure.
J. Phys. A, Math. Gen., 21(16):3365–3377, Aug 1988.

408.   R. Axt.
Professores de hoje, alunos de ontem... (dificuldades com alguns conceitos-chave sobre fluidos).
Cad. Catarinense Ens. Fis., 5(1):7–18, Abr 1988.

409.   M. N. Baibich, J. M. Broto, A. Fert, F. Van Dau Nguyen, F. Petroff, P. Eitenne, G. Creuzet, A. Friederich, and J. Chazelas.
Giant magnetoresistance of (001)Fe/(001)Cr magnetic superlatices.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 61(21):2472–2475, Nov 1988.

410.   Marcia C. Barbosa and Walter K. Theumann.
Nonuniversality of Ratios of Critical and Tricritical Parameters in the Three-State Potts Model with Symmetry-Breaking Perturbations.
Phys. Rev. B, Condens. Matter, 38(13):9160–9167, Nov 1988.

411.   E. Barsotti, A. W. Booth, M. Bowden, J. T. Carroll, C. Day, J. E. Elias, I. Gaines, L. Giebel, G. Goeransson, H. Ganzalez, B. Graves, M. Haldeman D. Hanssen, C. Horvath, M. Larwill, J. Marsh, J. Patrick, D. Quarrie, C. Rotolo, C. Swoboda, K. Treptow, J. Urish, C. Van Ingen, R. Vidal, S. Zimmerman, M. Campbell, Y. D. Tsai, B. Hubbard, F. Kirsten, J. Siegrist, M. Dell‘orso, P. Giannetti, L. Ristori, T. Devlin, B. Flaugher, U. Joshi, and M. Werner.
Fastbus Data Acquisition for CDF.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 269(1):82–92, 1988.

412.   C. Bastide, C. Lacroix, and A. da R. Simões.
Destruction of antiferromagnetism by vacancies for the Hubbard and Anderson lattice models.
Journal de Physique Colloque C, 49(8):715–716, Dec 1988.

413.   M. Behar, M. Weiser, S. Kalbitzer, D. Fink, and P. L. Grande.
Implanted boron profiles in silicon.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 34(3):316–320, Sept 1988.

414.   L. Berger, P. P. Freitas, J. D. Warner, and J. E. Schmidt.
On the Temperature Dependence of the Magnetoresistance of Ferromagnetic Alloys.
J. Appl. Phys., 64(10):5459–5461, Nov 1988.

415.   Thaisa Storchi Bergmann and Miriani Griselda Pastoriza.
Seyfert 2 nuclei with strong [NII] lines.
Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias, 58(3/4), dic 1988.

416.   E. Bica.
Population synthesis in galactic nuclei using a library of star clusters.
Astron. Astrophys., 195(1/2):76–92, Apr 1988.

417.   E. Bica and D. Alloin.
Constraints provided by star cluster spectra on the nature of the UV turn-up in giant elliptical galaxies.
Astron. Astrophys., 192(1/2):98–106, Mar. 1988.

418.   E. Bica, N. Arimoto, and D. Alloin.
Star formation histories in galaxies : confrontation of theory and observation.
Astron. Astrophys., 202(1/2):8–14, Aug 1988.

419.   P. Bonville, J. A. Hodges, F. Hulliger, P. Imbert, G. Jehanno, J. B. M. da Cunha, and H. R. Ott.
First-order Kondo-frustated antiferromagnetic ordering in the heavy electron compound Y bAs.
Hyperfine Interact., 40(1/4):381–384, Feb 1988.

420.   P. Bonville, J. M. Broto, A. Fert, F. G. Jimenez A. Hamzic, F. Hulliger, P. Imbert, G. Jehanno, J. B. M. da Cunha, M. Miljak, and H. R. Ott.
Low temperature phase transitions in the heavy electron compound Y bSb.
Journal de Physique Colloque, 49(12):727–728, Dec 1988.

421.   P. Bonville, J. A. Hodges, F. Hulliger, P. Imbert, G. Jehanno, J. B. M. da Cunha, and H. R. Ott.
170Y b Mössbauer study of the heavy-electron pnictides Y bSb.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 76/77:473–474, Dec 1988.

422.   A. Boos, F. P. Livi, and F. Ogiba.
Implementação simplificada da interface IEEE-488.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 3(4):277–289, dez 1988.

423.   L. G. Brunet, R. M. Ribeiroteixeira, and J. R. Iglesias.
Finite temperature properties of the anderson lattice.
Journal De Physique, 49(8):697–698, dec. 1988.

424.   L. G. Brunet, R. M. Ribeiroteixeira, and J. R. Iglesias.
Electronic-structure of the anderson lattice with finite coulomb interaction.
Solid State Communications, 68(5):477–481, Nov. 1988.

425.   Le. G. Brunnet, S. G. Fries, and J. A. H. Jornada.
Pressure Dependence of the Electric Fields Gradient in the AgIn2 Intermetalic Compound.
Hyperfine Interactions, 39(2):187–192, June 1988.

426.   L. G. Brunnet, J. R. Iglesias, R. Ribeiroteixeira, A. D. Simoes, M. A. Gusmao, and B. Coqblin.
Dynamical and static susceptibility of anomalous rare-earth systems.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 76-7:396–398, 1988.

427.   B. Buchweitz, H. Jamett, and M. A. Moreira.
Laboratório de Física: instrumentos de avaliação da aprendizage,.
Educação e Seleção, 17:89–98, Jan./Jun. 1988.

428.   I. Chambouleyron, F. C. Marques, J. P. de Souza, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Structure and composition of amorphous Ge1-xSnx thin films.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 63(11):5596–5598, June 1988.

429.   M. E. V. Costa and H. O. Girotti.
Self-dual fields as charge-density solitons - comment.
Physical Review Letters, 60(17):1771–1771, Apr. 1988.

430.   M. E. V. Costa and H. O. Girotti.
Some remarks about reparametrization-invariant theories.
Europhysics Letters, 5(8):683–687, apr. 1988.

431.   C. M. Dasilva, F. P. Livi, and A. A. Gomes.
Magnetic-properties of pseudobinary laves phase co based compounds with sp impurities.
Solid State Communications, 68:889–890, 1988.

432.   J. C. P. Deoliveira, M. I. Dacosta, W. H. Schreiner, A. Vasquez, N. Vieira, and A. Roisenberg.
Magnetic order in acmite - ac81di19.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 75:171–174, 1988.

433.   J. C. P. Deoliveira, M. I. Dacosta, A. Vasquez, A. Roisenberg, N. Vieira, and J. O. Chies.
Mossbauer study of the putinga chondrite.
Physica Scripta, 37:185–187, 1988.

434.   J. P. Desouza, C. M. Hasenack, and J. E. Swart.
The doping of silicon with boron by rapid thermal-processing.
Semiconductor Science And Technology, 3:277–280, 1988.

435.   Horacio A. Dottori and Ivanio Puerari.
’Grand design’ in discoidal galaxies with HII regions.
Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias, 58(3/4):445–452, dic 1988.

436.   D. Fink, J. P. Biersack, H. Kranz, J. Desouza, M. Behar, and F. C. Zawislak.
Tilted angle ion-implantation.
Radiation Effects And Defects In Solids, 106(3):165–181, 1988.

437.   D. Fink, M. Muller, U. Stettner, M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, F. C. Zawislak, and S. Koul.
Non-regular depth profiles of light-ions implanted into organic polymer-films.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 32(1/4):150–154, May 1988.

438.   S. G. Fries, A. Maciel, and J. A. H. Dajornada.
The effect of pressure and temperature on the electric-field gradient at cd-111 on indium sites in intermetallic in-bi compounds.
Journal Of Physics F-Metal Physics, 18:813–821, 1988.

439.   H. O. Girotti, M. Gomes, V. Kurak, V. O. Rivelles, and A. J. Dasilva.
Chiral bosonization.
Physical Review Letters, 60:1913–1915, 1988.

440.   P. L. Grande, P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range profiles of medium and heavy-ions implanted into sio2.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 35:17–20, 1988.

441.   P. L. Grande, P. F. P. Fichtner, M. Behar, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range parameters of heavy-ions implanted into c-films.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 33:122–124, 1988.

442.   R. B. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, M. Behar, D. Fink, and F. C. Zawislak.
Depth profiles of li ions implanted in the photoresist az111.
Journal Of Materials Research, 3:1422–1426, 1988.

443.   R. B. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, M. Behar, P. F. P. Fichtner, F. C. Zawislak, and D. Fink.
Implanted boron depth profiles in the az111 photoresist.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 63:2083–2085, 1988.

444.   R. B. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, M. Behar, and F. C. Zawislak.
Range measurements and thermal-stability study of az111 photoresist implanted with bi ions.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 63:2502–2506, 1988.

445.   R. B. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, R. P. Livi, J. P. Desouza, M. Behar, and F. C. Zawislak.
Thermal-stability and bi diffusion in the implanted az111 photoresist.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 32:419–421, 1988.

446.   R. B. Guimaraes, P. J. Viccaro, W. H. Schreiner, M. A. Z. Vasconcellos, and M. N. Baibich.
Chemical short-range order in fe20ni60b20 amorphous alloy.
Journal De Physique, 49:1375–1376, 1988.

447.   C. M. Hasenack, J. P. de Souza, and R. Erichsen Junior.
The influence of the heating rate on the annealing behaviour of arsenic-implanted silicon.
Semiconductor Science And Technology, 3(10):277–280, 1988.

448.   G. Helgesen, A. T. Skjeltorp, P. M. Mors, R. Botet, and R. Jullien.
Aggregation of magnetic microspheres: experiments and simulations.
Physical Review Letters, 61(15):1736–1739, Oct. 1988.

449.   J. M. Hickmann, R. R. B. Correa, and R. E. Francke.
Monitoração ótica da espessura de filmes finos dielétricos.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 3(3):217–225, set. 1988.

450.   J. S. Hickmann, C. R. M. Deoliveira, and R. E. Francke.
The 337-nm nitrogen laser resonances with the f 0+g (p-3(0)-b o+u transitions in molecular-iodine (i-2).
Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy, 127:556–558, 1988.

451.   J. A. Hodges, P. Imbert, J. B. M. da Cunha, J. Hammann, E. Vincent, and J. P. Sanchez.
Magnetic properties of Dy3+ in DyBa2Cu3O7-x.
Physica C, 156:143–156, Aug. 1988.

452.   J. A. Hodges, P. Imbert, G. Jéhanno, J. B. M. da Cunha, and J. P. Sanchez.
Mössbauer absorption in some high TC superconductors: 170Yb in YbBa2Cu3O7-x, 166Er in ErBa2Cu3O7-x, and 57Fe in YBa2Cu3O7-x.
Hyperfine Interactions, 42(1/4):1225–1226, Feb. 1988.

453.   R. Hübler and F. Horowitz.
Construção de um elipsômetro para caracterização óptica de superfícies.
Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo, 8(1/2):39–41, out. 1988.

454.   Wang Jingxiu, Shi Zhongxian, Sara F. Martin, and Silvia H. B. Livi.
Cancellation of magnetic flux on the quiet Sun.
Vistas in Astronomy, 31:79–83, 1988.

455.   S. O. Kepler, D. E. Winget, E. L. Robinson, and R. E. Nather.
An improved limit for the rate of period change in the zz ceti star g117-b15a.
Iau Symposia, pages 325–328, 1988.

456.   B. H. Lavenda and C. Scherer.
Statistical-inference in equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento, 11(6):1–54, 1988.

457.   O. L. L Moraes.
The velocity spectra in the stable atmospheric boundary layer.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 43:223–230, 1988.

458.   O. L. L. Moraes and J. Goedert.
Kaimal’s isopleths from a closure model.
Boundary Layer Meteorology, 45:83–92, 1988.

459.   M. A. Moreira.
Mapas conceituais e aprendizagem significativa.
O Ensino, 23/28:87–95, 1988.

460.   M. A. Moreira.
Mapas conceptuales en la enseñanza de la física.
Contactos, 3(2):38–57, abr./jun. 1988.

461.   M. A. Moreira.
O professor-pesquisador como instrumento de melhoria do ensino de ciências.
Em Aberto, 7(40):43–54, out./dez. 1988.

462.   M. A. Moreira and W. A. Guerra.
Mapas conceptuales en la investigacion de las estructuras conceptuales de conocimiento de los estudiantes de física.
Revista de Enseñanza de la Física, 2(2):65–72, 1988.

463.   M. A. Moreira and J. D. Novak.
Investigacion en enseñanza de las ciencias en la Universidad de Cornell: esquemas teóricos, cuestiones centrales y abordes metodologicos.
Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 6(1):3–18, mar. 1988.

464.   H. N. Nazareno, I. F. Moreno, R. M. Ribeiroteixeira, and J. R. Iglesias.
Density of states of a binary alloy with short-range order in a bethe lattice.
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, 145:525–534, 1988.

465.   F. van Dau Nguyen, A. Fert, P. Etienne, M. N. Baibich, J. M. Broto, J. Chazelas, G. Creuzet, A. Friederich, S. Hadjoudj, H. Hurdequint, J. P. Redoulès, and J. Massies.
Magnetic properties of (001)Fe/(001) Cr bcc multilayers.
Journal de Physique Colloque C, 49(8):1633–1634, Dec 1988.

466.   C. A. Olivieri, M. Behar, P. L. Grande, P. F. P. Fichtner, F. C. Zawislak, J. P. Biersack, and D. Fink.
Thermal-behavior and range distribution of bi-209 implanted into the al/v bilayer structure.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 63:4431–4434, 1988.

467.   R. Pasianot, G. Galambos, E. J. Savino, L. Amaral, M. Behar, D. Farkas, and S. Rao.
Argon irradiation of Sn thin layers deposited on Fe substrates.
Physica Status Solidi A, 110:926–, 1988.

468.   C. R. Peter, J. P. Desouza, and C. M. Hasenack.
Prolonged and rapid thermal annealing of boron implanted silicon.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 64:2696–2699, 1988.

469.   P. Pureur Neto, GG. L. Fraga, J. V. Kunzler, W. H. Schreiner, D. E. Brand ao, and C. M. Hurd.
Critical resistivity and low field magnetoresistance in Pd2MnSn.
Journal De Physique, 49:179–180, 1988.

470.   P. Pureur, J. Schaf, J. V. Kunzler, and E. R. Fraga.
Breaking of ergodicity in high-tc superconductor yba2cu3o7.
Solid State Communications, 66:931–935, 1988.

471.   P. Pureur, W. H. Schreiner, J. V. Kunzler, D. H. Ryan, and J. M. D. Coey.
Electrical-resistivity of amorphous fe0.92zr0.08.
Solid State Communications, 65:163–166, 1988.

472.   P. Pureur, J. Schaf, W. H. Schreiner, D. H. Mosca, J. V. Kunzler, D. H. Ryan, and J. M. D. Coey.
Resistivity of the reentrant systems nimn and a-fezr near the ferromagnetic phase-transition.
Journal De Physique, 49:1131–1132, 1988.

473.   F. B. Rizzato.
Weak nonlinear electromagnetic waves and low-frequency magnetic-field generation in electron-positron-ion plasmas.
J. Plasma Phys., 40(2):289–298, 1988.

474.   F. B. Rizzato, R. S. Schneider, and D. Dillenburg.
Electromagnetic solitons in strongly magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas.
Physics Letters A, 133(1/2):59–62, Oct. 1988.

475.   G. R. Rossman, F. Rauch, R. Livi, T. A. Tombrello, C. R. Shi, and Z. Y. Zhou.
Nuclear-reaction analysis of hydrogen in almandine, pyrope, and spessartite garnets.
Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Monatshefte, H4:172–178, 1988.

476.   J. Schaf, P. Pureur, and J. V. Kunzler.
Magnetic-behavior of the high-tc oxide superconductors euba2cu3oy and gdba2cu3oy.
Journal De Physique, 49:2187–2188, 1988.

477.   H. P. Schölch, S. Kalbitzer, D. Fink, and M. Behar.
On the diffusion of boron in glow-discharge a-Si:H.
Materials Science and Engineering, B1:135–137, 1988.

478.   Wido H. Schreiner.
Sensores a filme fino.
Boletim Informativo da Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 19(2):16–20, Jun. 1988.

479.   Maria de Fátima Saraiva Schröder, Miriani Griselda Pastoriza, Thaisa Storchi Bergmann, and Alex André Schmidt.
CCD observations of southern galaxies in BVRI.
Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 58(3/4):453–467, dic 1988.

480.   A. S. D. Simoes and J. R. Iglesias.
Finite temperature diagrammatic treatment of a mixed-valence hamiltonian.
Solid State Communications, 66:83–85, 1988.

481.   A. S. D. Simoes, J. R. Iglesias, A. Rojo, and B. R. Alascio.
A Green-function approximate solution of the Kondo lattice.
Journal Of Physics C-Solid State Physics, 21:1941–1952, 1988.

482.   A. da R. Simoes, C. Lacroix, and C. Bastide.
The superconducting phase diagram of the weak hopping Anderson lattice.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 76-7:573–575, 1988.

483.   W. K. Theumann and J. F. Fontanari.
The spherical model as the limiting n-vector model in a random field.
Physica A, 149:341–357, 1988.

484.   M. A. Z. Vasconcellos, R. P. Livi, and M. N. Baibich.
Comparative-study of isothermal and isochronal crystallization of metallic glasses.
Journal Of Physics F-Metal Physics, 18:1343–1349, 1988.

485.   M. A. Z. Vasconcellos, S. R. Teixeira, F. L. Freire, M. C. S. Nobrega, P. H. Dionisio, W. H. Schreiner, and I. J. R. Baumvol.
Interdiffusion and reaction in the fe-al bilayer .4. Phase characterization of ion-beam-mixed samples.
Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, 104:169–179, 1988.

486.   F. C. Zawislak.
Pesquisa básica: base da ciência.
Ciência e Cultura, 40(6):580–583, Jun. 1988.

487.   L. F. Ziebell.
Electron cyclotron absorption for oblique propagation in loss-cone plasmas.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 39(3):431–446, June 1988.

488.   Sérgio Zimmermann and Silvia Helena Becker Livi.
Sistema de aquisição de dados para o fotômetro fotoelétrico do telescópio da UFRGS.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 3(1):38–52, mar. 1988.

489.   D. Alloin and E. Bica.
A comparative-study of Na-I and Ca-II infrared lines in stars, star-clusters and galaxy nuclei - an alternative to the dwarf-enriched population.
Astronomy And Astrophysics, 217(1/2):57–65, June 1989.

490.   N. Arimoto and E. L. D. Bica.
Rapid changes in the integrated light of young star clusters.
Astronomy And Astrophysics, 222(1/2):89–95, Sept. 1989.

491.   R. Axt.
Professor: peça fundamental no ensino.
Educação e Ciência, 2(4):5–7, Jul./Dez. 1989.

492.   R. Axt and M. E. Brückmann.
O conceito de calor nos livros de ciências.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 6(2):128–142, ago. 1989.

493.   I. M. Baibich, A. E. Gerbase, R. G. Darose, L. Amaral, and A. Vasquez.
Mossbauer and infrared study of the thermal-decomposition of iron and nickel compounds impregnated in alumina.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 45A(9):933–936, 1989.

494.   M. C. Barbosa and W. K. Theumann.
Equations of state for the 3-state Potts-model with symmetry-breaking perturbations.
Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, 1(35):6059–6070, Sept. 1989.

495.   M. C. Barbosa and W. K. Theumann.
Influence of fluctuations on the magnetization of cubic ferromagnets.
Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, 1(44):8747–8751, Nov. 1989.

496.   B. Barbuy, E. Bica, and S. Ortolani.
The peculiar colour-magnitude diagrams of the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6553.
The Messenger, 58:42–44, Dec. 1989.

497.   B. A. S. Barros Junior, D. H. Mosca Junior, , I. J. R. Baumvol, and W. H. Schreiner.
Sputtering RF com duplo alvo.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 4(3):244–250, set. 1989.

498.   C. Bastide, C. Lacroix, and A. da Rosa Simões.
S-wave superconductivity with strong local repulsion.
Physica C, 159(4):347–356, July 1989.

499.   M. Behar, M. Weiser, S. Kalbitzer, D. Fink, and P. L. Grande.
High-energy Li implanted profiles in silicon.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 39(1/4):22–25, Mar. 1989.

500.   T. S. Bergmann and M. G. Pastoriza.
On the metal abundance of low-activity galactic nuclei.
Astrophysical Journal, 347(1):195–200, Dec. 1989.

501.   E. Bica, D. Alloin, and A. Schmidt.
Spectral evolution of bursts of star formation superimposed on old populations.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 157(1/2):103–109, July 1989.

502.   E. Bica, C. Bonatto, and D. Alloin.
The ionization mechanism in low level emission galaxy nuclei: shocks.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 157(1/2):153–156, July 1989.

503.   C. Bonatto, E. Bica, and D. Alloin.
The stellar-free emission component in galactic nuclei - at low-levels, evidence for shock ionization.
Astronomy And Astrophysics, 226(1):23–44, Dec. 1989.

504.   L. Cairó, M. R. Feix, and J. Goedert.
Invariants for models of interacting populations.
Phys. Lett. A, 140(7/8):421–427, Oct. 1989.

505.   R. A. Caldela Fo¯  ., R. S. Schneider, and L. F. Ziebell.
The dispersion relation and the dielectric tensor of inhomogeneous magnetized plasmas.
J. Plasma Phys., 42(1):165–175, Aug. 1989.

506.   I. Chambouleyron, F. C. Marques, I. J. R. Baumvol, and R. A. Barrio.
The structure of defects in amorphous germanium-tin alloys.
Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids, 114:558–, 1989.

507.   I. Chambouleyron, F. C. Marques, P. H. Dionisio, I. J. R. Baumvol, and R. A. Barrio.
Mossbauer study of hydrogenated amorphous germanium-tin thin-film alloys.
Journal Of Applied Physics, 66(5):2083–2090, Sept. 1989.

508.   M. V. F. Copetti and H. A. Dottori.
Global photometric-observations of 30-HII regions in the small magellanic cloud.
Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, 77(2):327–331, Feb. 1989.

509.   R. M. C. Dealmeida and J. R. Iglesias.
Equilibrium states of 2D cellular structures.
Physics Letters A, 138(6/7):253–257, July 1989.

510.   J. C. P. Deoliveira, M. I. Dacosta, W. H. Schreiner, and A. Vasquez.
Magnetic-properties of the natural pyrope almandine garnets.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 79(1):1–7, Apr./May 1989.

511.   L. S. Deoliveira, M. T. X. Silva, and J. A. H. Dajornada.
Temperature and pressure effects on the iron carbides formed by carbon ion-implantation.
Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids, 50(8):763–767, 1989.

512.   Paulo Henrique Dionisio.
Laboratório de ótica: um curso de caráter formativo.
Caderno Catarinense de Ensino de Física, 6(1):21–31, abr. 1989.

513.   H. A. Dottori and M. V. F. Copetti.
Narrow-band CCD imagery of southern galaxies in strong lines and continua - NGC 613.
Astrophysics And Space Science, 156(1/2):283–288, June 1989.

514.   Horacio A. Dottori and Marcus V. F. Copetti.
Statistical properties of H-II regions.
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica, 18:115–119, sept. 1989.

515.   L. N. Epele, C. A. G. Canal, and M. B. G. Ducati.
Nuclear effects in j-psi-hadroproduction.
Physics Letters B, 226(1/2):167–170, Aug. 1989.

516.   M. Epstein.
The variation of the Sutton diffusion parameters with distance, height and atmospheric stability.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 4(1):12–20, mar. 1989.

517.   M. Fin and M. N. Baibich.
Inexpensive conductance measurement device for low-temperature thermometry.
Journal of Physics E, 22(9):700–702, Sept. 1989.

518.   M. Fin and M. N. Baibich.
Synchronous detection of small changes in the resistance of amorphous metals.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 4(3):290–297, set. 1989.

519.   D. Fink, J. P. Biersack, H. P. Schoelch, M. Weiser, S. Kalbitzer, M. Behar, J. P. Desouza, F. C. Zawislak, A. M. Mazzone, and H. Kranz.
5kev to 2 mev lithium implantation and diffusion in amorphous-silicon.
Radiation Effects And Defects In Solids, 108(2/4):185–203, June 1989.

520.   A. Foerster and H. O. Girotti.
Anyons and singular gauge transformations.
Physics Letters B, 230(1/2):83–87, Oct. 1989.

521.   J. F. Fontanari, W. K. Theumann, and D. R. C. Dominguez.
Potts-model in a random field.
Physical Review B, 39(10):7132–7139, Apr. 1989.

522.   G. L. Fraga, F. Ogiba, and D. E. Brand ao.
Projeto de calorímetro para medidas a baixas temperaturas.
Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação, 4(4):349–367, dez. 1989.

523.   F. L. Freire, B. K. Patnaik, C. V. B. Leite, I. J. R. Baumvol, and W. H. Schreiner.
Analysis of tin films using alpha-resonant scattering.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 40-1:769–772, Apr. 1989.

524.   H. O. Girotti, M. Gomes, V. O. Rivelles, and A. J. Dasilva.
Self-dual fields and causality.
Physical Review D, 39(12):3792–3794, June 1989.

525.   H. O. Girotti and K. D. Rothe.
Isomorphic representations of anomalous chiral gauge-theories.
International Journal Of Modern Physics A, 4(12):3041–3055, July 1989.

526.   J. Goedert.
Second constant of motion for generalized Ermakov systems.
Physics Letters A, 136(7/8):391–394, Apr. 1989.

527.   R. B. Guimaraes, L. Amaral, M. Behar, F. C. Zawislak, and D. Fink.
Anomalous depth profiles of light-ions and noble-gases implanted into polymers.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 39(1/4):800–804, Mar. 1989.

528.   A. Hamzic, A. Fert, P. Pureur, and D. Gignoux.
Anomalous Hall effect in mixed valence compounds.
Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials, 78(2):208–212, Feb. 1989.

529.   J. A. Hodges, P. Imbert, and J. B. Marimon da Cunha.
161Dy Mössbauer measurements in DyBa2Cu3O7-x.
Hyperfine Interactions, 50(1/4):569–574, June 1989.

530.   J. A. Hodges, P. Imbert, J. B. Marimon da Cunha, and J. P. Sanchez.
166Er Mössbauer measurements in ErBa2Cu3O7-x.
Physica C, 160(1):49–54, Aug. 1989.

531.   José Roberto Iglesias.
Goiânia: ciência e magia.
Ciência e Cultura, 41(2):163–170, fev. 1989.

532.   D. W. Kurtz, J. M. Matthews, P. Martinez, J. Seeman, M. Cropper, J. C. Clemens, T. J. Kreidl, C. Sterken, H. Schneider, W. W. Weiss, S. D. Kawaler, and S. O. Kepler.
The high-overtone p-mode spectrum of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 1217 (HD 24712) - results of a frequency analysis of 324hr of multi-site photometric observations obtrained during a 46-d time-span in 1986.
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 240(4):881–915, Oct. 1989.

533.   B. Liberman, G. Melin, and R. Geller.
A model of electron heating for ECRIS.
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540.   S. M. M. Ramos, L. Amaral, M. Behar, G. Marest, A. Vasquez, and F. C. Zawislak.
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