Did the Big Bang happen in a medium, or in a vacuum? We do not know. The best speculation these days is that the 'medium' was the physical vacuum. We know that an empty vacuum is far from being empty because in quantum mechanics, particles are free to appear and disappear within it, and this activity actually gives the vacuum 'state' a latent energy. So, the vacuum of space is far from being an inert and passive object and acts like a peculiar medium. There is much we do not know about the vacuum 'state', and the natures of all the fields that it might contain. Extensions of Big Bang cosmology developed by some physicists seem to attribute many very unusual properties and phenomena to this state. In any true fundamental way, no one really understands enough about space-time and the quantum dynamics of the vacuum state to be able to predict what the implications are for cosmogenesis. How one goes about testing such predictions is equally unknown. Sites sobre big-bang ------