
Ph.D. 1996, Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Current position

Faculty at Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS).

Research subject

I work mainly on DA white dwarf stars with effective temperature ranging from 8,000 K to 20,000 K. My goal is to determine the fundamental parameters (Teff, log g, mass) of DA stars through optical spectrum. The atmospheric parameters (Teff, log g) are obtained by comparing the hydrogen Balmer lines profile between observed and synthetic spectra which are produced by model atmosphere of Detlev Koester (University of Kiel , Germany). With Teff and log g, the mass is calculated by interpolating the white dwarf evolutionary models of M. Wood (Florida Tech) which are available via anonymous ftp at kepler.pss.fit.edu/pub/wd. I also observe DA white dwarf stars with high speed photometry to test for variability and participate in the Whole Earth Telescope. All these projects are being developed in collaboration with S. O. Kepler .


Universidade de Caxias do Sul
Rua Francisco Getulio Vargas, 1130
CEP 95070-560
Caxias do Sul, RS
Phone: +55 54 3218-2100 E. 2023 (work)
E-mail: ogiovannini@gmail.com

Last Changed: August 13, 2010.